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我们的店是一个笑柄!Our store is a laughingstock!

当你跟别人不一样,你就会成为笑柄。When you are weird, you are a joke.

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这已成为全城的笑柄了。It has become the laughingstock of the city.

这已成为全城的笑柄。It has become the laughingstock of the town.

他成为镇上的笑柄。He made himself the laughingstock of the town.

哭笑都是人们开心的笑柄。Tears and smiles all end up as laughing stocks.

傻小子一向是众人的笑柄。This young man bore the brunt of everyone's jokes.

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这使他成为全校的笑柄。This made him the laughingstock of the whole school.

我终日成为笑柄,人都嘲笑我。I am become a laughing-stock all the day, all scoff at me.

“也许他们是第二个笑柄。”寒鸦说。"Perhaps they're the Second joke, " suggested the Jackdaw.

他如果改变了主意,可就成了大家的笑柄。Had he changed his mind, he would have become a laughing-stock.

杜军很快就成了存里所有人的笑柄。Du Jun soon became the laughingstock of all people in the store.

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他自以为聪明的评价让他成为班上的笑柄。His smart-aleck comments made him the laughing stock of the class.

小丑,丑角现代芭蕾舞舞剧中的一个角色,小丑笑话的笑柄。A stock character in modern pantomime, the butt of a clown's jokes.

这是对雪莱的侮辱,结果却使我可能成为笑柄。This was insulting to Shelley and only likely to get me laughed at.

他总是出错,成了全班的笑柄。His constant blunders made him the laughing-stock of the whole class.

当然,兔子是没等到,他自己却成了宋国的笑柄。He did not get his hare but became a laughing stock in the state of Song.

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在这种幽默中,你充当了娱乐别人的笑柄,玩这种幽默的人常常渴望自己被讨好。In this style of humor, you are the butt of the joke for the amusement of others.

曾经联盟的笑柄,没人再去嘲笑蜜蜂了。Once a league laughingstock, nobody even so much as smirks at the Hornets anymore.

有时候为了让某些人成为笑柄,你会谈论你自己的能力。You are really talking about your ability to kick everyone else’s butt at something.