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和我们一起飞翔!Fly with us!

和我一起坐车.Ride with me.

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跟朋友一起去。Go with a friend.

今天和老吴一起去书展!It's a happy day!

一起跟着唱吧!Let's sing along!

我们一起唱歌。We sang together.

这是一起人命关天的事。It was a fatality.

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我可以跟她一起坐吗?Can I sit with her?

我可以跟他一起坐吗?Can I sit with him?

我们可以一起做个“大粪”吗?Can we make a Turd?

嘿,一起吧,我有猎枪。Hey. I got shotgun.

吉姆和她一起玩。Jim plays with her.

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一起做剪贴簿.Scrapbook together.

电子都被键合在一起。They are all bound.

那两个一起。Those two together.

我们一起去的。We went in company.

和我一起呆一会儿吧。Bide with me awhile.

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与玛丽一起莳花。Gardening with Mary.

和梦想一起长大輀!Grow up with dreams!

我还是和他住在一起。I remained with him.