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我也赞同这一论点。I agree with this.

是的,我完全赞同。Yes, I fully agree.

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我们都能赞同这点吗?Can we agree on that?

我很赞同龙应台女士的观点。I am in favor of Mrs.

我赞同普兰德利。I agree with Prandelli.

我一向赞同这一做法。I was always in favour.

詹姆斯•麦卡德尔也表示赞同。James McCardell agrees.

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我们赞同你的提议。We favour your proposal.

他赞同这些意见。He agrees with this idea.

对那件事,我赞同。You have my yeses to that.

他皱眉蹙额表示不赞同。He frowned his disapproval.

我百分百赞同。I agree one hundred percent.

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这点很重要的,我非常赞同。And that's important,I agree.

专家是不赞同这样的。Not according to the experts.

最后他们赞同了我们的计划。They finally okayed our plan.

乌干达人赞同这一观点。Ugandans endorse this stance.

我十分赞同你的观…I couln't agree with you more.

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对于这一做法我完全赞同。This one I totally agree with.

“是啊,”她心不在焉地赞同说。"Yes, " she assented absently.

而民众也对他表明了赞同。And the people agreed with him.