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我要一些橡皮圈。I want some rubber bands.

你那条臃肿的橡皮圈叫做手臂?。You call that flabby rubber band an arm?

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用橡皮圈固定织物或布料。Secure the tissue or the cloth with a rubber band.

一个带有导套的柱塞和60只橡皮圈。A plunger with guide bush and sixty pcs of rubber rings.

我原来一直以为芦笋是带着橡皮圈长大的。I assumed asparagus grew with a rubber band around them.

笔记簿宜有硬皮、印有行线、袋装大小、钉装结实,另外可加一条橡皮圈作书签。It is best to choose a small pocket-size hardcover notebook with lines.

检查水封,看看是否在橡皮圈有泄漏。Examine the water seal to see if there is any leakage around the rubber rings.

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通过定期测量链状橡皮圈在不同负载下的应力了解应力的变化过程。In the experiment measure the stress of elastomeric chain under different load regularly.

例如橡皮圈是有弹性的,肥皂是很滑溜的。People have personalities and so do things. Rubberbands are stretchy and soap is slippery.

这种裤子由带子组成,并且由橡皮圈固定。The trousers shall be held up by straps crossing and secured behind with rubberised loops.

通过定期测量结扎橡皮圈在不同负载下的应力,了解应力的变化过程。In this experiment measure the stress of elastomeric ligatures under different load regularly.

燕尾蝶的身体是用轻木做的,而翅膀的动力来源为用橡皮圈驱动的金属曲柄。The body is built from balsa wood, and the wings powered by a wire crank driven by a rubber band.

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结论结扎橡皮圈在不同负载下均存在应力松弛的现象,应力松弛率相同。Conclusion The rate of stress relaxation of the rubber ring ligatures on different loads are the same.

走动的同时,他一定要顶着许多的东西,如书本,书包,水罐,橡皮圈等等。His favourite things to carry is school bag, water bottles, books and of course his favourite rubber band.

我建议他们考虑别的方法,比如,带弹性的橡皮圈比胶强多了。My advice is for them to consider some other way. Elastic bands, for example, an infinitely better then glue.

严格的封装使得这种天线更可靠以及更灵活。它可以象橡皮圈一样能被拉伸。Rigid casings will make the antenna more solid and rubber ones will allow it to stretch like an elastic band.

他们没法对付绣花针、小扣子、小马尾巴上的橡皮圈,也不能拾走棒球打出的小碎片。They can't manage diaper pins, small buttons, rubber bands on pony tails or even remove splinters caused by baseball bats.

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首先,我们觉得让你去安排那些诸如针带,橡皮圈之类的鉓品比较妥当。Let us suggested one thing, that it will may be better for you to arrange accessories such as spindle tapes, rubber band and so on.

十年前一些和我同时开始学习瑜伽的人现在成为了瑜伽老师,有韧性好得像橡皮圈。Some people who started yoga at the same time that I started dabbling in it ten years ago are rubber-band-flexible yoga teachers now.

高三生金慧英说,她和朋友在手肘套橡皮圈,定时弹自己来保持清醒。Kim Hye-In, a high school senior, said she and her friends wear rubber bands round their wrist and snap them periodically to keep themselves awake.