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丁钠橡胶密封。Buna N seals.

包密封。Package sealing.

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密封货物。Pressurize cargo.

排空塑料袋里的气体,然后密封起来。Flatten the bags and seal.

那个密封不严的罐头胀裂了。The poorly sealed can blew.

我们把水果罐密封起来。We sealed the jars of fruit.

密封锥型滚子轴承。Sealed taper roller bearings.

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将橡胶密封索环推进孔中。Push the grommet into the hole.

耐用,聚树脂,密封涂层。Durable, poly-resin, seal coated.

多重密封、防水。Multi-ply sealed water resistant.

其中一具石棺仍然密封着。One sarcophagus was still sealed.

齿轮泵如何选择密封垫?How to choose the gear pump seals?

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请把果酱罐密封。Please make the fruit jar airtight.

拧掉盖并取出箔密封。Twist off cap and remove foil seal.

打开盖扭,撕掉瓶口密封。Twist off cap, remove quality seal.

采用无噪音密封滚珠轴承。Use noiseless sealed ball bearings.

想要一千个橡胶密封环?You need a thousand rubber gaskets?

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与一个完全缝密封透气。Breathable with a fully seamed seal.

这个翻边起一种密封垫的作用。This collar acts as a kind of gasket.

探头装置是密封的。The probe unit is hermetically sealed.