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她蓬头垢面。Dirt had coated her face.

谁喜欢看到一个蓬头垢面的空间呢?Who likes to see an unkempt room?

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那个老乞丐蓬头垢面。The old beggar was dirty and unkempt.

假设你蓬头垢面地到办公室上班。Maybe you come to the office disheveled.

一群蓬头垢面、衣衫褴褛的人围在他周围。A crowd of dirty-faced ragamuffins surrounded him.

她淋着雨回来使她显得蓬头垢面。She was bedraggled when she came in out of the rain.

这个家伙看起来活像个蓬头垢面的蜘蛛猴变种人。This guy looked like a beaten-up spider-monkey mutant.

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允许偶尔蓬头垢面,但要注重场合。Unkempt occasionally allowed, but must focus on occasion.

可是,如果说你的朋友在外流浪,蓬头垢面。But, if your friend roams about outside, dishevelled hair and dirty face.

他的声音嘶哑,加上他那副蓬头垢面的样子,听起来很可怕。His voice was hoarse and his unkempt head only added to its grewsome quality.

孩子看起来饿坏了,骨瘦如柴,蓬头垢面,但朱莉却出淤泥而不染。The children looked hungry, gaunt, dishevelled, and yet Julie was glowing beneath the dirt.

铁拐李是中国民间传说中的八仙之一,他蓬头垢面,袒腹跛足。Tieguaili, one of the Eight Immortals in the Chinese folklore, was unkempt and lame and exposed belly.

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他一动不动地坐在他们前排,身穿简朴而不合时宜衣服,蓬头垢面让人简直难以判断出他的真实年龄。He sat in front of them, dressed in plain, ill-fitting suit never moving , his dusty face masking his age.

父亲坐在椅子上,双眼凹陷,眼圈发黑,蓬头垢面,胡子拉碴,脸色乏黄。His father sitting in a chair, his eyes sunken, eye socket black, unkempt, bearded, and his face lack yellow.

都说女人不像男人这么关注对方形象,但你真变得蓬头垢面,你将很快被抛之脑后。It is said that women are not as picky about looks as men are, but turninginto a slob will get old realquick.

她蓬头垢面,好像几天没洗脸,刚从垃圾堆里爬出来似的。She was unkempt , as if the past few days did not wash their faces, just like climbing out from a garbage heap.

甚至那些在路边乞讨的小姑娘,虽然衣着肮脏,蓬头垢面,鼻翼上也有一颗金色的小钉。Even those little girls who beg along the roadside with an unkempt appearance have a gold nail in the nose, " it added."

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几百个蓬头垢面的未来人正手持石块、木棍相互打斗。Several hundred dishevelled hair and dirty face future people will be grasping the stone, the wooden club fight mutually.

在大多数富人眼里,乞丐低人一等。他们蓬头垢面、衣衫褴褛、纠缠不休又粗野不文。In the eyes of most of the well-to-do, a beggar is an inferior being, somebody who's scruffy and unwashed, pushy and rude.

安理会成员提出的有关蓬头垢面的一些跳蚤市场,客户停车场入口和其他问题。Council members had raised concerns about the unkempt appearance of some flea markets, customer parking access and other issues.