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专责就更名和名称你的回收站提高到一个新的名字。Select on Rename and name your Recycle Bin to a new name.

龚永德专责处理中国税务、关税及商业咨询等业务。Peter focuses on China tax, customs duty and business advisory matters.

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由于案件量小,不足以设立专责审裁处提供充份的理据。The small caseload does not justify the establishment of a specialized tribunal.

闪存工具包是其中一个最大和最古老的社区,专责闪存的发展。Flash Kit is one of the biggest and oldest community dedicated to Flash development.

副校长有效地指导专责部门的工作。The vice-principal provide effective guidance to the work of specialist departments.

金钱与流通证券之运送通常是否由专责运送机构为之?Is transfer of money and negotiable securities usually Made by armoured motor vehicle?

因此,盖茨下令一个专责小组想出办法,到2008年每月交付1000辆MRAP。So Gates ordered a task force to figure out how to deliver 1,000 MRAPs a month by 2008.

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政府应在2011年底前成立一跨部门的专责小组,统筹有关的执法工作。A cross-departmental Task Force should be set up to co-ordinate these actions by the end of 2011.

公评人专责处理投诉案,并试著找出双方都同意的解决方案。An ombudsman is someone who handles complaints and attempts to find mutually satisfactory solutions.

不久以后,肯尼迪成立了一个联邦专责小组来解决40号公路上的种族隔离问题。Soon afterward, the president appointed a federal task force to enforce desegregation along Route 40.

政府在一九九八年十一月成立专责小组,订定应用科技研究院计划的规划准则。In November 1998, the Government set up a task force to work out the planning parameters for the project.

中央党部之下的财务委员会是负责党务经费的专责机关。The financial committee under the central party department is a specific organ in charge of the party outlay.

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后来,奥巴马签署了一份总统备忘录,用来以成立一个专责小组,以保护学生免受性侵犯。Later, Obama signed a Presidential memorandum to set up a task force to protect students from sexual assaults.

通常,镶嵌可以管理的处理器,但在场的专责单位,使这一进程更有效。Tessellation can be managed by processor but the presence of dedicated unit makes this process more effective.

按照规定,电力网应设有专责人员负责节电工作。According to the rules, there should be people especially assigned in a power network to save electrical power.

这位民政事务联合专责委员会主席强烈要求议员们促使儿童远离这款游戏。The chairman of the home affairs select committee has urged MPs to do more to protect children against the game.

各委员会可因应需要灵活地筹组专责委员会,进行特定工作。Flexibility is allowed for each CDC Committee to form its own ad hoc committees for specific tasks on a need basis.

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临时区域市政局设有五个专责事务委员会和一个酒牌局,以履行其职责。The council discharged its responsibilities through five functional select committees and the Liquor Licensing Board.

这种差异代表著某种特殊的记忆,专责棋赛中经常出现的棋子位置。This difference tracks a particular form of memory, specific to the kind of chess positions that commonly occur in play.

来自该专责小组的梅达德·戈伦是最长时间服务于该项目的指导者,他要更新专责组的全体员工。The ATF's Meidad Goren is the programme's longest-serving instructor and will be updating HRH on the work of the task force.