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我才没那么肤浅呢。I’m not that shallow.

这是一本立论肤浅的书。It's a superficial book.

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美丽是肤浅的。Beauty is only skin-deep.

我讨厌这种肤浅,虚伪的做作。I hate such shallow false pretences.

只希望她父母中的一个是肤浅的鹞鸽。Let's hope one of her parents was not.

当然,这会是比较肤浅的介绍Obviously, this will be rather superficial.

跟他在一起很有趣,单他很肤浅。He's fun to be with, but he's very superficial.

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今天的美国作家似乎非常肤浅。Today's American writer seems very superficial.

但是,依我看这种观点是肤浅的和短视的。But such views are shallow and near sighted IMO.

人们说外在美是肤浅的。They say that physical beauty is only skin deep.

如果妳是肤浅的贱货,那我可能是直率的混蛋。If you are a shallow bitch, I can be a blunt jerk.

退一步说这是一个肤浅的评价。This is a superficial assessment to say the least.

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这种肤浅的概括实在是有失偏颇。And, like lots of generalisations, it was too simple.

这类杂志经常被认为很肤浅。Such magazines are often perceived as being superficial.

“假如”式分析方法常常是肤浅的,很少有说服力。The 'what if' device is often facile, rarely convincing.

外表的美丽是肤浅的,行为美才是真正的美。Beauty is only skin deep. Handsome is that handsome does.

认识到结果导向文化的肤浅。Realize the shallow nature of a results-oriented culture.

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通常我听到他们说的都是些肤浅、疯癫的谣言。So much of what I hear from them is shallow, silly rumors.

我经常受惊,为什么有才调的人却只有肤浅单薄的收入。I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn.

这时候,肤浅可以是一个愉快的选择。In such cases, shallowness can be a delightful alternative.