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我体内也会有绦虫吗?I could have tapeworm in me?

还有“绦虫”节食减肥法。Then there is the tapeworm diet.

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该如何治疗绦虫感染?How is tapeworm infection diagnosed?

牛带绦虫具有单一型生活史。Beef tapeworms have a simple life cycle.

该如何诊断绦虫感染?How can tapeworm infection be prevented?

绦虫是栖居肠内的寄生虫。The tapeworm is an inhabitant of the intestine.

我如何发现我的宠物是否有绦虫传染病?How would I know if my pet has a tapeworm infection?

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你甚至可以看到一条28英尺长的绦虫在这里展出。You'll even find a 28-foot-long tapeworm on display.

一种蠕虫,尤指寄生蛔虫或绦虫。A worm, especially a parasitic roundworm_or_tapeworm.

绦虫的生活史无法进一步完成。The life cycle of the tapeworm can proceed no further.

线虫和绦虫都寄生于胃或肠道黏膜内。The cestode parasited on the wild badger' intestinal tract.

医生怀疑奥尔蒂斯食用了含有绦虫的某些食物。Doctors suspect Ortiz ate something containing the tapeworm.

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跳蚤还有可能携带能够被人体摄取的绦虫。Fleas can also carry tapeworms that can be ingested by humans.

如果我认为我的孩子感染上了绦虫,该怎麽做呢?What should I do if I think my child is infected with tapeworms?

结肠小袋绦虫是一种造成腹泻的巨大纤毛虫。Balantinium coli is a giant ciliate that causes diarrhea in humans.

在“不可逆转”的“直肠”是我们的世界和“绦虫”的男子。In "irreversible", the "rectum" is our world and the "tapeworm" is man.

未煮熟的猪肉也许含有猪绦虫活的“囊尾幼虫”。Undercooked pork may contain living "bladder worms" of the pig tapeworm.

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发现绦虫和吸虫感染者用吡喹酮驱治。For cases of mixed infection of cestode or trematode praziquantel was used.

这些食物,对于绦虫来说,是供给成长和繁衍唯一的能量来源。This food is the tapeworm's only energy source for growth and reproduction.

其中吃生猪肝患带绦虫病的危险度较高。The risk factors of infected taeniasis was relation to eat raw pork and liver.