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或者,某些学者会这样说,我是第三个阵营的,也许保罗说的两者兼之。Or,as some scholars would say, and I'm in this last camp,maybe he's talking about both.

不过他对市面上每天都在发行的设计刊物,都保持著高度的兴趣,而兼之是位满腔热血的摄影师。He remains very interested in issues of design in the everyday world, and is an avid photographer.

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本文即是这样的一个尝试,并兼之与学界前辈童兵教授商榷。This article is such an attempt, and with academics and senior professor of child soldiers open to question.

良好的耐磨性能与韧性通常很难兼之,采用高合金钢生产成本较高。It is difficult to have both good wear resistance and good toughness. The cost of production is too high when adopt alloy steel.

男人是否对自己充满信心或极不自信,他总担心自己是否看上去很衰,很白痴,或者两者兼之。Whether a man is extremely secure-or insanely insecure-about himself, he's worries that he'll look incompetent, idiotic, or both.

我可以选择杂乱无章或者是秩序井然作为首要的主题,但我两者兼之,因为它们互相依存,一方离不开另外一方。I could choose to use order or chaos as a principal theme, but I used both of them, because one doesn’t have a meaning without the other one.

测试方式则由单纯手工测试发展为手工、自动兼之,并有向第三方专业测试公司发展的趋势。Test test from simple manual for the manual development, and the automatic and a testing company to a third party professional development trend.

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在中医英译过程中要确定是采用归化翻译或是异化翻译,或两者兼之,唯一标准应从中西医所产生的文化背景这一源头作为研究的基准点。The cultural background of Chinese and Western Medicine may be the only criterion for deciding to employ Adaptation or Alienation, or to have both of them.

测试方式则由单纯手工测试发展为手工、自动兼之,并有向第三方专业测试公司发展的趋势。Tests from simple manual tests for the development of manual, automatic At the same time, and to a third party professional testing firm trend of development.

正如通用公司的股东们承受养老金负担一样,州政府和市政府将不等不迫使纳税人做出牺牲,要么忍受服务缩减,要么承受税收增加,抑或两者兼之。Just as G.M.’s shareholders bore the burdens of its pensions, states and cities will have to force taxpayers to sacrifice in the form of service cuts, tax increases or both.

根据一非营利金融救助教育服务机构FinAid提供数据表明,有32个州只提供大学储蓄理财计划,2个州是提供学费预付理财计划,17个州二者兼之。According to FinAid, a non-profit financial aid education service, 32 states offer just college savings plans, two offer just pre-paid tuition plans and 17 states offer both.

但是由于现代性本身是一个充满悖论的自反性概念,兼之波德莱尔囿于时代的局限,其理论上的缺陷和不足也是难以避免的。However, because modernity itself is a paradox of the concept of reflexivity and Baudelaire confined to the limitations of the times, the inadequacy of his theory was difficult to avoid.