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冬衣还是高跟鞋?winter coat or high-heeled shoes?

冬衣还是高跟鞋?Winter coats and high-heeled shoes?

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现在我们都穿着温暖的冬衣了。Now we are all in our winter clothing.

是该收拾冬衣的时候了。It was time to put the winter clothes away.

所有的难民都被发给了冬衣。All the refugees were issued with winter clothing.

我终于能脱掉那些厚重的冬衣了。I can finally shed all of my heavy winter clothes.

这篇报道说孩子们缺乏冬衣。The story said children were in need of winter clothes.

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我用衬衫和冬衣遮住我的心痛,我希望它不要太明显。I buttoned my dress shirt over it and my winter coat, too.

现在我们的正在进行冬衣的季节性促销。We are now having a preseason sale on all our winter apparel.

如果你们是南方人,你们会支付购买冬衣的额外花销吗?Will you pay extra so your Southerner can buy winter clothes?

有人呼吁捐助冬衣,也获得热烈响应。Calls for warm clothing also have been met with a strong response.

我解开包袱,里面是我的冬衣和两瓶麦乳精。I untied the burden inside my winter coat and two bottles of malted.

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李婉芝穿着褐色的冬衣,她的左袖空荡荡地塞进口袋中。The empty left sleeve of Li's brown winter coat was tucked into a pocket.

Bugarin说还可用贷款支付医疗费,购置电脑甚至冬衣。Loans can also pay for health care expenses, computers and evenwinter clothes, says Bugarin.

12月,在乘坐西南航空公司的喷气机时,她把一件新冬衣和皮手套落在舱顶行李箱里。In December, she left a new winter coat and leather gloves in the overhead bin on a Southwest jet.

飞机坠落时,他俩沿着机舱地板滚了起来,身上厚重的冬衣起到了一定的缓冲作用。On impact, both slid along the floor of the aircraft, cushioned somewhat by their heavy winter clothing.

但冬天的衣服好买些,似乎他们的冬衣码数要大点,买牛仔衣也很容易。But winter clothes are easier to buy as they seem to come in larger sizes and you can get jeans really easily.

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普京身穿红色冬衣,轻轻抚摸了这头重达230公斤的北极熊,并在和它“握手”后对其说“要健康哦”。Wearing a monogrammed red winter jacket, Putin stroked the 230-kg bear and shook its paw, saying "Be healthy".

当时那一群人穿着厚厚的冬衣,满怀期待地行进在白雪覆盖的街道上。And there’s the crowd, bundled up for the cold, making their way through streets white with snow, full of expectation.

在冬季到来时,我们会将厚厚的冬衣裹在身上以驱寒保暖,但却常常将自己的鼻子直接暴露在寒冷的空气中。When the cold weather comes we wrap ourselves up in winter coats to keep warm but our nose is directly exposed to the cold air.