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新年的第一刊已经开始征订了。The subscription of the first edition of the new year has began.

同时我们还可代理征订全国各大出版社教材。At the same time, we also subscribe to the major national Acting Press materials.

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本世纪初,西尔斯·罗巴克用邮件征订的方法卖房子,许多房子八十年来还是那么坚固适用。Sears Roebuck sold houses by mail-order. Many are still sturdy and habitable 80 years on.

一旦我知道如何获得这些名字和地址,我就向他们发送征订报纸的通知。Once I learned how to get those names and addresses, I sent out offers to buy the newspaper.

希望让各院校教材分散征订汇总为集中统一定购。I hope that the institutions for centralized aggregation materials scattered subscriptions ordered.

如果征订目录上没有,我就不能保证了,但是我可以给您差一下。告诉我您的房间号码好吗?If it's not on the list, I'm not sure, but I'd be glad to check for you. May I have your room number?

本世纪初,西尔斯·罗巴克用邮件征订的方法卖房子,许多房子八十年来还是那么坚固适用。In the early part of this century, Sears Roebuck sold houses by mail-order. Many are still sturdy and habitable 80 years on.

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许多电话来自广东、浙江、黑龙江和香港特区,来咨询征订程序。Many of the calls come from Guangdong, Zhejiang, Heilongjiang provinces and Hong Kong SAR, inquiring about subscription procedures.

密歇根大学的消费者信心调查报告只是发送给征订者,发送对象并不包括媒体。The University of Michigan releases its consumer confidence reports to subscribers and does not include the media in its distribution.

以烟台大学图书馆为例,阐述了在当前形势下综合院校图书馆在书目征订工作中读者调查的必要性及其做法、体会。Based on Yantai University Library's practice, this paper introduces the method and process of user survey on acquisition based on catalogs.

文献征订数据的规范化不仅是信息时代做好图书馆采访工作必要的前提条件,也是入世后中国书业必须解决的迫切任务。The criterion of literature subscription database is not only the presupposition in fulfilling library work well, but also the urgent task after China joins WTO.

本系统适用于各类型学校的教材征订管理工作,可以大大的提高了教材科工作的效率,减少失误。This system is applicable to all types of school textbooks subscription management, can greatly increase the efficiency of the materials Division, reduce errors.

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指出了在图书馆中图书征订目录的使用率逐渐增加,图书馆技术人员对荐购系统的基本模式和框架需要有深入的了解。With the gradually increased of book order catalog's usage, library technician should have deeper understanding to the basic model and framework of recommender and purchase system.