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吃一煎药就会好的。One decoction will put you right.

有些药店提供煎药服务。Some drug stores offer decocting service.

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过敏性鼻炎怎样煎药?。Irritability rhinitis how decoct medicine?

热源以煎药时保持微沸为最好。The heat source keeps faint boiling while decocting would be best.

而我通多年了临床观察,我发现这一煎药方法是不妥当的。And I-years of observation, I found this pharmacological approach is inappropriate.

煎药时加些瘦猪肉,不仅味道较好,效果可能也会更好些。Decocting more lean pork in addition, not only taste good, the effect may be better.

结论高压煎药机所煎汤剂质量较好。Conclusion The quality of decoction extracted by high pressure CMM extructor is good.

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每次为母亲煎药,他都要亲口尝一尝,然后再送给母亲服。Every time his mother decoction, he had personally taste, and then sent to his mother clothes.

有一次为了替幼弟煎药,还不小心烧著了胡须。Once when he was boiling medicinal herbs for his little brother, he even burned his beard by accident.

现代人生活忙碌,所以中药店有代客煎药的贴心服务。The life of moderns is hectic, so many Chinese medicine shops offer to prepare your medicines for you.

本文介绍了自动煎药机的工作原理、软硬件组成及系统功能。The working principle, software and hardware compose, the function of the automatic boiling machine are introduced in this paper.

结论传统砂锅与煎药机两种不同方法煎煮的感冒清热汤剂在质量上存在较大差异。Conclusion The quality difference between the decoctions of GQD prepared by machine-boiling method and that preparde by marmite-boiling method are significant.

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另一边,毫不知情的林致在煎药,她反复思量近来发生的事,推测太子妃所怀的应该是史思明的孩子。On the other side, without the knowledge of the forest in the medicine she brooded by, something happened recently, that Princess Shi Siming should be pregnant with child.