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他们已为国殉难了。They have suffered for the country.

在这个地方,不存在烈士殉难问题。In this place there are no martyrdoms.

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基督的道路就是殉难的道路。The path of Christ is the path of martyrdom.

他没有哈马斯喜欢搞的那种殉难视频。There was no martyrdom video of the kind favoured by Hamas.

与其他数十万犹太人一样,母亲萨拉在贝尔泽克集中营殉难。Like tens of thousands of other Jews, mother Sala died in the Belzec concentration camp.

这个国家的采矿业同样极度危险,相当于每天有13个矿工殉难。The country's mining sector is also extremely dangerous, killing as many as 13 miners every day.

但关键是为什么就这个村子,成了法国殉难的象征,为什么But what's interesting about that is why this particular village became the symbol for martyrdom in France. Why?

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史家多以曲笔记述方孝孺的“十族”殉难事件,史料中也存在着以讹传讹的现象。Historians falsely recorded the incident of Fang Xiaoru's martyrdom. There is rumor phenomenon in historical materials.

大多数人得知这一天是为了纪念和赞美一位基督教圣人的生活和殉难之后都大为震惊。For most, it is a shock to hear that this is a day to remember and celebrate the life and martyrdom of a Christian Saint.

考证史家曲笔与错误之处,才能再现孝孺殉难的真相。Only researching on the mistakes of historians' records of Xiaoru's martyrdom could the historical reality be represented.

耶稣十二门徒之一。西庇太之子、约翰之兄,曾在西班牙布道。他殉难于返回犹太王国的途中。One of the 2 Apostles. The son of Zebedee and brother of John, he preached in Spain and was martyred on his return to Judea.

殉难周是为了纪念克什米尔分裂运动成员法鲁克遇害。Martyrdom Week marks the anniversary of the assassination of Maulvi Muhammad Farooq, a figure in the Kashmir separatist movement.

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这种天赋强调对暴击的良好反应,出现殉难,神恩回复和神圣只韧。This build emphasizes excellent responses to critical hits, popping Martyrdom, Blessed Recovery, and Blessed Resilience all at once.

这句有损尊严的话是在信德省的瑙德罗,他妻子和“殉难”的岳父阿里.布托的墓地上放出来的。The undignified outburst came at Naudero in Sindh province, the burial site of his wife and her similarly “martyred” father Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

遗憾的是,无论在他的出生地还是殉难地,廷代尔的拥趸依然少之又少,他的足迹也难以追寻。Whether in the land of his birth or the town of his death, Tyndale buffs are still regrettably thin on the ground, and it is hard to follow his trail.

游行队伍是纪念一周年什叶派哀悼期,回顾了自己最尊敬的圣人,伊玛目侯赛因殉难公元7世纪的最后一天。The marchers were marking the final day of an annual Shi'ite mourning period that recalls the 7th century martyrdom of their most revered saint, Imam Hussain.

在本周二阿齐齐亚兵营遭袭时,卡扎菲及其家人是否身在兵营尚未可知,但卡扎菲在讲话中宣称“殉难与胜利”。It is not known if Col Gaddafi and his family were in Bab al-Aziziya on Tuesday when it was attacked but the leader promised "martyrdom or victory" in his speech.

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对基督徒来说,耶稣是神,是上帝的儿子,现人身只为经验上帝救赎计划的一部分---殉难、死亡和复活。For Christians, Jesus is a divine being, the Son of God, who took human form in order to experience martyrdom, death and resurrection as part of God's plan for redemption.

本.拉登的殉难是否会激起阿尔.卡伊达组织以及其他恐怖组织发动更加猛烈的恐怖活动或者导致这些组织瓦解,让人拭目以待。Whether bin Laden's martyrdom will serve to strengthen and incite Al-Qaeda or other terrorist organizations to lash out or lead to their disintegration remains to be seen.

1953年大谷莹润、管原惠庆等收集了战争中在日本殉难的七千余中国烈士之遗骨送还中国。In 1953, Eijun Otani, Keikyo Sugehara and the others gathered remains of over 7000 Chinese prisoners of war who had died in Japan during the war, and sent them back to China.