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汽车打滑一段后停了下来。The car skidded to a halt.

汽车打滑了,车轮发出刺耳的声音。The car skids, the tires screech.

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汽车车轮在雪地上紧紧咬住不打滑。The car wheels bit into the snow.

刹车抱死,结果汽车打滑。The brakes locked and the car skidded.

可是前腿一打滑又来了一个狗吃屎。Forelegs, but a slip back a Gouchi Shi.

在潮湿的路面驾驶会导致打滑。B. Driving on wet roads can cause hydroplaning.

我的车子突然间打滑失控,撞上了一棵树。My car suddenly spun out and crashed into a tree.

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他安全地走过了打滑的石阶。He safely negotiated the slippery stepping-stones.

我们在冻冰的路面上走过,脚下打滑。Out feet slumped repeatedly through the melting ice.

轮胎在雪地上咬住不打滑,我们继续赶路。The tyres bite into the snow and we were on our way.

他猛然刹车,使得前车轮打滑了。He braked suddenly, causing the front wheels to skid.

在结冰的软泥上面,我们的手脚打滑。Our feet skitter and our fingers slip on the icy ooze.

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领先的那辆车向一侧打滑并且翻倒了。During the race, the leading car skidded and overturned.

这辆小汽车在油洼里打滑,撞在围栏上。The car skidded on a pool of oil and ran into the fence.

赛车根本没有抓地力,我一直在不断的打滑。I was sliding everywhere, with absolutely no grip at all.

在起步或加速时,驱动轮可能会打滑。The driving wheel may slip while starting or speeding up.

轮子在泥浆中打滑,团伙们跳出车外推车。The wheels spin in the mud and the men jump out to push it.

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这种轮胎有个特点,即使在湿的地面上行驶,也不会打滑。This kind of tyre is characteristic of nonskid stop on wet road.

这款轮胎的特点就是在湿地刹车时不打滑。The characteristic of this kind of type is of nonskid on wet road.

这种轮胎的特点是在潮湿的路面上不打滑。看看该产品一年就可收回成本。This kind of type is characteristic of nonskid stops on wet roads.