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这些奴隶社会初期都是一本万利的All were highly profitable in their primes.

但五大奴隶社会还是我刚才提的那些But the five great slave societies were those five.

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而'奴隶社会'指的又是什么What do we mean when we use that phrase 'slave society'?

乌拉尔图社会是否属于奴隶社会仍然是个疑问。And whether their society is of slave nature still remains a doubt.

如果南方是一个奴隶社会,那么北方就是一个市场社会But if the South was a slave society the North was a market society.

经常有一些公开的争论,南方究竟是从何时成为奴隶社会的That's always open to debate, exactly when the South became a slave society.

人物雕塑的特征和意义在奴隶社会有所变化。The nature and meaning of human figure sculpture changed in slave societies.

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严格地说他们都是奴隶社会的人,我们为什么研究他们?Strictly speaking, both men lived in a slave society. So, why do we study them?

自从进入奴隶社会,中国就有了“孝”观念的萌芽。Since China gone to the slavery society, the ideas of "filial piety" had bud in China.

它揭示出西周王朝中国奴隶社会全盛时代的特点。It showed characters of the West Zhou Dynasty which was the most advanced Chinese Slavery Society.

为了防止奴隶逃亡,两河流域和中华文明奴隶社会都通过发型和肉刑给奴隶打上识别记号。In order to prevent the escape of slaves, both civilizations made the special hairstyles for slaves.

如果南方是奴隶社会,我们上次已经证明过了,我们也定义过了If the South was a slave society and we tried to demonstrate that last time, we tried to define that.

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如果他们停留在神权统治的奴隶社会,即他们原有的样子,那么谁在财政上支持他们?If they stay where they were, the theocratic slavery society, who is going to financially support them?

第二个时期是中国的奴隶社会时期,比较著名的是三代夏商周。The second one is the period of China's Slave Society, composed of three dynasties of Xia, Shang and Zhou.

对中国存在奴隶社会的质疑和否定已成为许多人的共识。The existence of Chinese slavery society was questioned and denied, thus gradually came to a co-recognition.

我认为最主流的定义是,奴隶社会确实起源于,十九世纪二三十年代But I think it became, in most ways and in most definitions, a slave society surely by the 1820s or the 1830s.

从奴隶社会到文艺复兴时期,女性只作为被创作的符号应用在男性艺术家的创作中。From slave society to Renaissance, women are only applied to the male artist' s creation as a creating symbol.

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他的作品反映了雅典奴隶社会民主制度衰落时期的政治和思想的危机。His works reflect the political and ideological crisis during the decline of Athenian democracy in the slave society.

8至19世纪的东非除了桑吉巴之外,都存在小范围的奴隶社会There were certain localized slave societies in East Africa, out of Zanzibar by the eighteenth and nineteenth century.

人种和智商息息相关的观点由来已久了——自奴隶社会和殖民主义那时就已有所闻。The idea of a link between nationality and intelligence has a long pedigree – certainly as ancient as slavery and colonialism.