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雷达兵目不转睛地注视着荧光屏。The radarman's eyes were glued to the screen.

电视观众把双眼盯住荧光屏。The TV watchers fixed their eyes on the screen.

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电视的荧光屏会辐射一种看不见的射线。TV screen will be a kind of invisible ray radiation.

他们观察到雷达荧光屏上出现一架飞机。They observed an airplane appear on the screen of radar.

很多国家的人民紧紧盯住电视荧光屏。People in many countries kept their eye fixed on TV screens.

荧光屏技术的进步诞生了超级尺寸的显示器。Advances in screen know-how have begotten super-sharp displays.

在荧光屏下闪烁现象往往会更加明显。Flickering tends to be more noticeable under fluorescent lighting.

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荧光屏上静态的影像可以打印出来带回家。Still images from the video screen can be printed for you to take home.

关闭墙上的收音机和MP3闹钟并遮住荧光屏。Turn clock radios and MP3 players to the wall and cover lighted screens.

这是因为由于柔性荧光屏易碎致使连接脆弱。This is because connections are vulnerable to breaking due to the flexible screen.

水晶球图像能被定住或来回晃动好像看荧光屏屏幕一样。Images with the crystal ball can be stationary or move around as if viewing a screen.

在副总统办公室,Veronica的脸孔出现在电视荧光屏上。Veronica’s face is suddenly framed on a television screen in the Vice President’s office.

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电子显微镜的最终图像一定要投射到荧光屏上。The final image in the electron microscope must be projected on to a phosphor-coated screen.

显示界面有数码管显示和真空荧光屏显示。The displaying interface has Digital Number Display Indicator and Vacuum Fluorescent Display.

光点偏转超过荧光屏边缘的总数叫做荧光屏过扫描。The amount by which the dot deflects past the end of the screen is called the screen-overscan.

这种荧光屏总有一天会被用来制作轻质电视,看完节目之后可以将它收卷起来。The screen could one day be used as a light-weight television that could be rolled up after use.

他们让粒子落在荧光屏上以观察他们的偏移。They observed the deflections of the particles by allowing them to fall on a fluorescent screen.

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电子也流入电视显像管,撞击荧光屏,产生闪光。Electrons also flow in a television, where they are made to hit the screen, causing a flash of light.

试验发现显象管内的主要气源是荧光屏的电子诱导解吸,其解吸速率随时间而下降。It is found that the main source of gas release is the EID of fluorescent screen, which decreases with time.

本文报道了一个在普通示波器荧光屏上产生光栅和测量对比的方法。A method of generating gratings on the CRT of an ordinary oscilloscope and calibration of contrast are described.