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在河边,在海滩,在山径By stream, or sea, or mountain path

我还记得那样的场景,我看着他们在山径上走远。I remembered them across miles in the mountain.

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这山径有很多梯级,彷佛是另类艺术品。This trail has lots of stairs —a different form of art.

他发现到一条被溪流冲刷成的山径,夹在两个岩壁之间。He found a way cut by a stream between two walls of rock.

对于户外而言,小岛具有英里的山径可供骑马和徒步旅行。For the outdoor types, the island also features miles of trails for horseback riding and hiking.

你赞成「爬山单车」与其他郊外活动共用山径吗?Do you agree the shared trails system for mountain bike and trails users of other country activities?

没有躲雨的地方,山径变成溪流,湿漉漉的雨林充满甜香,恢复了它的美丽。There's little escape. Tracks turn to creeks. And the wet jungle comes alive with sweet smelling beauty.

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沙田坳道及扎山道是九龙区中最受驾车人士及远足人士欢迎的山径之一。Shatin Pass Road and Jat's Incline are one of the most popular driving and hiking Travel Routes in Kowloon.

读了一篇在阿帕拉契山山径「丛林漫步」的记载后,我就彷如置身于一个与现况截然不同的世界。When I read about "a walk in the woods" along the Appalachian Trail, I enter a world different from my own.

游客可以看到峡谷周围的徒步山径,以及通往海拔更高的入口处。Visitors find hiking trails that loop around the valley as well as trailheads that lead to higher elevations.

从一些值得注意的山径可以漫游到四周围的农村或回到海滩的斜坡。There are some remarkable trails that meander off into the surrounding countryside or slope back down to the beach.

这是战斗的季节,夏季时罂粟的农民在各自的领域和山径不明确的雪。This is the fighting season, the summer months when poppy farmers are not in their fields and mountain paths are clear of snow.

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现在您可以查看旅行照片,行山径上载从你的全球定位系统,其覆盖在自己的意象,或是大型的地理数据集。Now you can view travel photos, hiking trails uploaded from your GPS, overlays of your own imagery, or large geographic data sets.

我们的办法是,不把我们的旅行单单当作假日游玩,而是把自己看作记者,踏着山径小道,采访“真正的西部”。The answer, we decided, was to undertake our journey not just as tourists on a holiday, but as reporters on the trail of "the real West."

我喜欢在春风中踏过窄窄的山径,草莓像个精致的红灯笼,一路殷勤地张结着。I love to saunter in the spring breeze on a narrow mountain path bedecked with strawberries growing graciously like delicate red lanterns.

它提供了徒步爱好者很多惊喜——从世界上最长的缆车去徒步挑战充满极窄悬崖的山径。It offers a lot to hike lovers – from the longest cable cars in the world to challenging trek paths full of extremely narrow vertical cliffs.

崎岖的山径上,每一块石头,都闪着深秋的寒光,像一位老者的脸,布满沧桑。On the rugged mountain road, every stone glistened chilly light of the deep autumn, like a face of an elder, who had suffered much in his life.

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后山不过是个虚山,山径乱石野草,崎岖难行。The back mountain is only a barren one, whose pathway is full of stone riprap and overgrown with weeds, rugged and rough, difficult to walk by foot.

横穿过满是无花果、桃花心木、海枣等厚重植被的灌木丛里的山径,又湿又滑,而沿着峡谷边沿则可以将无边的自然风光尽收眼底。A wet and often slippery pathway cuts through the thick vegetation, interspersed by fig, mahogany and date palm groves and follows the edge of the gorge for an unrestricted view of nature at work.