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学习所有的“情态”。Learn all the "moods."

是一个情态动词。"Can" is a modal verb.

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情态动词只有一种形式。Modals have only one form.

两个情态动词不能同时使用。You never use two modals together.

还可与情态动词连用。You can also use "there" with modals.

英语情态助动词有无时态形式?。Do Modals in English Have Tense Forms?

情态动词置于主语之前构成疑问句。Modals go in front of the subject in questions.

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情态动词总是出现在动词短语中的第一位。Modals are always the first word in a verb group.

追求最高级,理想常融情态动词。Pursue superlative modal verb, ideal blend often.

情态动词与否定词连用可构成否定句。You use negative words with modals to make negative clauses.

不同学者对于情态的分类也不同。Different scholars have made different classifications of modality.

情态是人类语言中一个重要的语法范畴。This is a difference between Chinese and English categorial grammar.

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轻松旅行的秘诀就是保持轻松、平和的情态。The secret to true minimalist travel is having portable peace of mind.

本文讨论情态语气范畴中语气词的功能问题。The paper deals with the function of modal particles in modal category.

句式的决心义与“他”预指时的情态义相互匹配。The determined meaning of the structure matches the modality meaning of ta.

通过一篇关于劝告的课文来介绍为什么要使用情态动词及在什么地方使用。Introduction to why and where we use modals in the context of a text on counselling.

如捕捉风晴雨露自然环境中牡丹的情态。If in capture wind clear rain and dew natural environment peony's sentiment condition.

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情态是许多逻辑学家、哲学家和语言学家长期以来一直感兴趣的研究问题之一。Modality has long been a major focus of interest for logicians , philosophers and linguists.

情态动词在使用中具有某种言外之意,能够表达一定的言语行为。When used in utterances, modals can convey some implicature and express certain speech acts.

但其中以韩礼德为代表的系统功能语法中的情态理论的阐述较为详尽。Halliday's Systemic-Functional Grammar presents a more detailed statement on modality theory.