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你的耳朵里全是耳屎。Your ears are full of earwax.

东方亚洲人通常有“干型”的耳屎。East Asians commonly have "dry" ear wax.

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叔叔手感,你是稀瑞耳屎先生还是贾斯特。鸡丁?Uncle Feel, Are you serious, or just kidding?

注意任何的耳垢或者耳屎可能会影响你的视线。Note any cerumen or earwax that may impair your view.

有时耳屎积聚太多,让人感到不舒服。Occasionally people get an uncomfortable ear wax build up.

问题是,这些减少耳屎的努力只会制造更多的麻烦。The problem is that this effort to eliminate earwax is only creating further issues.

耳屎是正常的,可以润滑耳道,而且还具有抗菌能力,塞德曼说。Ear wax is normal and lubricates the ear canal and has antibacterial properties, Seidman said.

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清除耳屎有时是必需的,但你必须用一种安全的办法,否则你会受到伤害。Earwax removal is sometimes necessary. But you have to use a safe method or you could do a lot of damage.

他们干嘛不停下来好好想想,也许只要清清耳屎,声音就会清楚些了?Did any of them stop to think that it might sound a lot clearer if they removed some of the wax in their ears?

他们使用金属镊子、带羽毛的小棍和陶耳勺,轻轻晃动它们,将耳屎掏出。They use metal tweezers and feathered sticks as well as tongs that they vibrate to get the wax out of your ears.

大部分欧洲或非洲人属于粘稠的湿润类型,东亚人通常属于干耳屎。Most people of European or African ancestry have the wet kind, thick and sticky. East Asians commonly have dry earwax.

不过,根据美国专家们公布的最新指南,手动清理耳屎实际上会损害人的听力。But manually removing earwax could actually damage a person's hearing, according to new guidelines by experts in the US.

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耳油可防止耳朵过干,所以,耳屎是有益的,它甚至还有一个医学名字叫耳垢,且分为两类。And the waxy oil keeps ears from getting too dry. So earwax is good, it even has a medical name, cerumen, and there are two kinds.

美国国家健康研究院的专家们给出了一些让你自己对付多余耳屎的建议性方法。Experts at the United States National Institutes of Health suggest some ways to treat excessive earwax yourself. The experts at N.

耳屎杂货店寄放了我的作品及收藏品,还有我在儿时的购物回忆。Displaying my artworks and collections, Eastman's store created a specific area to recall the memory of shopping experience in my childhood.

一些人耳道中的腺体分泌的耳垢过多,通常,耳屎需要通过掏或冲洗排出。The glands in the ear canal that produce the wax make too much in some people. Earwax is normally expelled, it falls out of ear or gets washed away.

他们掏出的耳屎数量之多将会令你大吃一惊,而且,他们会将耳屎交给你,你可以把它作为纪念品带回家。You would be surprised by the amount of wax that they can extract, and yes, the cleaners will hand over your ear wax so you can take it home as a souvenir.