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淀粉糖生产技术。Corn sugar technology.

新鲜火腿肉,水,玉米淀粉。Fresh Ham, Water, Corn Starch.

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由淀粉组成的或包含淀粉的。Similar to or yielding farina.

淀粉遇碘酒变蓝。Starch turns blue with iodine.

你要多加点玉米淀粉才行。You need to add more cornstarch.

我公司提供优质马铃薯淀粉。We supply high-grade potato starch.

淀粉糊为假塑性流体。Starch paste was pseudoplastic fluid.

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鸡肉,水,玉米淀粉。Ground Chicken, Water and Corn Starch.

把水和淀粉混合在一起。Mix the cornstarch and water together.

糖和淀粉是碳水化合物。Sugars and starcher are carbohydrates.

我得思考淀粉的问题。I got to get my thoughts down on tapioca.

豫麦49在壤土条件下种植蛋白质和淀粉含量都较高。That of Yumai 49 was higher in loam also.

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淀粉化学品是一种有利于环保的绿色物质。Starch is an unharmful and green material.

面皮是用上好的淀粉做成的。The crust was made of high-quality starch.

嗨-玉蜀黍色的玉黍蜀淀粉也是一种可能性。Hi-Maize corn starch is also a possibility.

硫胺将淀粉类食物转变为能量。Thiamine changes starchy foods into energy.

然而,白米饭基本上是淀粉。However, white rice is essentially a starch.

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图1支链淀粉结构的模型。Fig. 1 Cluster model of amylopectin structure.

从延龄草的根部提取的西米状淀粉。Sagolike starch obtained from cuckoopint root.

不要吃太多糖类食品和淀粉。Try not to overdo it on the sugars and starch.