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他们回到家,通宵宴饮。They returned home to feast away the night.

还有很多宴饮歌待我去唱。So many drinking songs were waiting to be sung.

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他享受宴饮、享受美酒,总是热诚而友善。Always he was hearty and enjoyed a party and a good drink.

博、宴饮、听歌、押妓,他什么都做。Bo, the banquet, songs, prostitution charge, what he has done.

原为清代帝后饮赏戏曲音乐和宴饮的地方。It was used for Qing emperor and empress to appreciate operas and hold banquet.

狂欢节,一个大斋节前的节日,人们狂欢作乐并宴饮。A festival marked by merrymaking and feasting during the season just before Lent.

他在欧洲旅行期间曾同各国领导人物同席宴饮。He wined and dined with the leading citizens of each country during his tour of Europe.

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邦国,你的君王若是一个幼童,你的长官若清晨宴饮,你就有祸了!Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and when the princes eat in the morning.

在此之前,音乐主要是作为教会仪式、庆典活动和宴饮娱乐的附属而存在。Before that music existed as the subordination to church ceremonies, celebrations and banquet entertainment.

“一般来说,我们总是试图突出美国食物、酒和宴饮过程中最好、最有趣的部分。”他说。"Typically, we try to highlight the best and most interesting in American food, wine and entertaining, " he said.

她坦白,我们旅程中的“宴饮交际”部分对筹办者和参与者来说都是一个难以理解的事。She confessed that the "Conviviality" segment on our itinerary was a mystery to counselors and participants alike.

同时还有大型饮宴活动,是由先秦时庆丰收之宴饮发展而来的。At the same time, there are large-scale banquets, by the time the pre-Qin Qing Fengshou the development of the feast.

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她有着良好的生活习惯,抽烟、饮酒、通宵达旦的宴饮狂欢都不会发生在她身上。She has the good habits and customs, will smoke, drinks wine, to feast the revelry all night long not to occur on her body.

在我国历史上,不论是在宫廷宴会还是民间宴饮,音乐和酒常常都是如影相随。In Chinese history, no matter in the court banquets or in countryside dinner tables, music and wine usually came hand in hand.

画像石题材多样,内容丰富,有反映庄园、车行、聚会、宴饮、战争、手工作坊等现实生活场面。The relief are rich in content and theme, depicting manors, vehicles, social gatherings, hunting and war scenes as well as views of workshops.

千百年来人类一直和圣诞节有一个约会。圣诞节意味着友情,宴饮,给予和接受,意味着欢庆的时刻,意味着家。For centuries men have kept an appointment with Christmas. Christmas means fellowship, feasting, giving and receiving, a time of good cheer, home.

而欧阳修、苏东坡这些文人雅士的宴饮,好在青山绿水间,诗酒流连,谈笑风生,唯讲求一个“趣”字。The meals of these literati, like Ouyang Xiu, Su Dongpo, and so forth, lay in the mountains, poetic sense , the feeling of wandering,and only emphasized on "fun".

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而欧阳修、苏东坡这些文人雅士的宴饮,好在青山绿水间,诗酒流连,谈笑风生,唯讲求一个“趣”字。The meals of these literati, like Ouyang Xiu, Su Dongpo, and so forth, lay in the mountains, poetic sense , the feeling of wandering, and only emphasized on "fun".

在接下来的28年里,音乐社的这首主题曲漂洋过海,传到了大西洋彼岸。1814年,这首曲子出现在了非宴饮的场合。For the next twenty-eight years its theme song floated from one side of the Atlantic to the other, and in 1814 it turned up in a setting that was anything but convivial.

宋代文人中秋玩月多伴随着宴饮聚会,这一形式为都市富户效仿,造成了一种娱乐享受的氛围影响整个社会,北宋中期形成了以文人官僚的诗筵笔会和市民宴饮玩乐并行的大众化的准节日。While in the Song Dynasty, such activities with feast attached spreaded throughout the whole society, and in the mid-North Song Dynasty, it turned to be a quasi-festival.