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还是不会波及到数字。The number 3 wouldn't be touched.

他们想要有多少孩子被波及?How many children do they want to be affected?

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这些状况已经波及各个州和自治市。The pain is reaching municipalities and states.

比如疟疾,波及全球,患者众多Malaria is one that causes much disease worldwide.

原因之一就是在美国国内这种不满所波及到的范围。One is the breadth of the discontent in the country.

二是域外风险的侵入和波及。Second, extraterritorial incursions and spread risk.

任何降临于大地的灾难都将波及她的子嗣。Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth.

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它的涟漪深深波及心弦It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug

波及效应是投入产出分析的核心问题。The core concern of input-output analysis is ripple effect.

它所波及到的每一个人水平都被提升。It elevates the levels of everyone it comes in contact with.

皮肤萎缩波及表皮、真皮和皮下组织。Skin atrophy affects cuticular, derma and subcutaneous tissue.

它并没有干扰,因为它的音量和波及范围。And it's more--it's not annoying because of its volume or pitch.

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在疫情波及的国家,风险溢价可能会上涨。Risk premiums for countries affected by the pandemic might rise.

这岂但涉及实利,更波及尊严!This not only involves real benefits, but also involves dignity!

动乱已经波及了以前和平安宁的省分。Instability has spread to a number of previously benign provinces.

眼下,这种趋势已开始波及市中心的阁楼空间,甚至乡间住所。Now, it's spreading to inner-city loft spaces and even country homes.

“如果你把这些数字翻倍,那将会波及非常多的人,”莱尔说。"If you multiply that, it would be quite a lot of people, " Lai said.

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遭遇枪击使我意识到,你我受枪支犯罪的波及是件多么的容易事。Being shot made me realise how easy it is to be affected by gun crime.

当他们束紧裤腰带,简朴生活会波及到经济增长。When they tighten their belts, austerity ripples out and chokes growth.

反抗迅速波及整个莱克星顿,英国军队撤退至康科德。Resistance melted away at Lexington, and the British moved on to Concord.