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“来吧,”他说,轻轻地将她的脚趾蘸了一下脚盆。"Come on, " he said, gently dipping her toes in the basin.

太行山、太岳山、中条山的中间,有一个脚盆,就是上党区。The Shangtang area, rimmed by the Taihang, Taiyueh and Chungtiao Mountains, is like a tub.

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我好怀念以前一起挤一个被窝,用一个脚盆泡脚的那些日子啊!I really miss those days when we used to sleep in the same bed, and share the same bucket to wash our feet!

我记得每一次都是奶奶把脚盆拿到我面前,轻轻地揉着我的脚,那感觉真是太舒服了。I remember every time is grandma put footbath before me, gently rubbed my feet, that it's very comfortable feeling.

夫妻俩不忍心,就咬咬牙,叫男人掇起脚盆,将婴儿倒入门前的荷花池中。The couple does not bear on the bite teether, called from the men quit Jiaopen, will be in front of a baby into the lotus pond.

一种蒸浴脚盆,属兼有保温、按摩作用的洗脚盆。The utility model discloses a steam feet-washing basin, belonging to feet-washing basins with functions of warming and massage.

那些对脚盆仍旧有深深的残念的菲民们可以去东京南边的两个教堂,那里是菲的救助中心。Those who wish to stay in Japan are urged to go to at least two churches in Tokyo and to relocation centers south of Tokyo, he said.

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本田对在美经销商说,现在不敢确定在5月前能不能全面恢复生产。华尔街说也许这个是信号,那就是脚盆的工业生产将来要面临更加严重的局面。Honda has warned US dealers it isn't sure if it will be able to resume full production at certain Japanese plants before May, the Wall Street Journal reports.

有关措施包括在保护区内指定地点放置消毒洁手液及脚盆,保护区设施亦会定期消毒。These measures include the provision of disinfectant hand washes and footbaths at selected points around the reserve, and regular disinfection of site infrastructure.

并非性接触,间接接触被污染的用具所致,如沾有性病分泌物的毛巾、脚布脚盆、衣被,甚至于厕所的马桶圈等,均可传染。Not contact, indirect contact with contaminated utensils such as with venereal disease caused by the secretion of towel, foot cloth Jiaopen, clothing, and even toilet seats, can be infectious.

脚盆说现在把工作人员最大辐射摄入量从100微媳妇提升到250微媳妇,是不得已而为之的。Japan has raised the maximum radiation dose allowed for nuclear workers, to 250 millisieverts from 100 millisieverts. It described the move as "unavoidable due to the circumstances", AP reports.