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没问题,他们可以的踏步了It's okay. They can march.

在偏颇的路上小心翼翼地踏步。Each careful step along the byway.

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听到二拍子时,原地踏步For the duple meter, you have the march.

他的敌人转身朝着礼拜堂踏步走去。His enemy turned and paraded from the chapel.

用砂光机踏步两端的一项空白。Use a belt sander to square the ends of a blank.

其他美国人的状况则是原地踏步或在倒退。The rest of America is stuck in neutral or reverse.

很多掉出来,燃烧着,在踏步上嚎叫。Many fell out, aflame, burning and squealing on the steps.

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除非你开始储蓄,否则你永远将原地踏步。You cannot move forward until you start a savings program.

我们只能原地踏步或忙于应对重大冲击。We would be standing still or dealing with serious setbacks.

我们将赢得未来,但为了实现这一点,我们不能原地踏步。The future is ours to win. But to get there, we can’t just stand still.

如果你的孩子自己够不着洗手盆,就进放一张踏步凳。If your children can't reach the sink on their own, keep a stepstool handy.

踏步御花苑,只是理解为生活文化即将再上新台阶。Walking in Royal Garden will be defined as new improvement in your life culture.

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一位死板追随前人而不想法去超越,一切都会原地踏步!A rigid and not follow the previous idea to go beyond, everything will stand still!

精进精于工而用于心,永创新高的企业精神,让灿煌在市场竞争中踏步前进。Advance exquisite craftwork with heart, the spirit of creative promotes us go ahead.

突然一首进行曲演奏了起来,这廿五个士兵便开始随着音乐踏步前进。Suddenly a march was heard and the twenty-five soldiers began to march to the music.

但是如果你向上攀比一些不可改变的事情,那么你将自暴自弃,原地踏步。If you compare upward about things you can’t change, then you seem to just feel stuck.

其圆弧形的踏步,是女主人最为自得之处。The footfall of form of its circular arc, it is the place with most complacent goodwife.

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在天坛公园的中央附近,约有150个人在原地踏步。Near the center of the park, also called Tian Tan Park, about 150 people marched in place.

这可能会减少亚洲出口的动力,如今其出口可能已经在原地踏步。That will take some of the steam out of Asia’s exports, which may already be levelling off.

原地踏步必须始终有活跃的前进气势,以及完美的平衡的特点。Piaffe must always be animated by a lively impulsion and characterised by a perfect balance.