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什么是辐射?What Is Radiation?

但辐射是无形的。But radiation is not.

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校园被辐射。Schoolyards irradiated.

什么是电离辐射?What is ionizing radiation?

这个过程叫做光能辐射。This process is called radiosity.

但是我的这杯茶有辐射的。But my cup of tea rapiRadioactive.

我船是危险的辐射流。I am dangerous source of radiation.

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无毒、无味、无辐射!Non-toxic, tasteless, no radiation!

八条大道从广场呈辐射形伸展出去。Eight roads radiate from the square.

从广场呈辐射形伸展出去。Eight roads radiate from the square.

高辐射点已成为人们最担忧的事。Hot spots have become a chief worry.

辐射还能对肉类进行消毒。Irradiation can also sterilize meat.

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辐射会发出能量。Radiation is the emission of energy.

高强度辐射可以损害细胞。High levels of radi may damage cells.

这可以解释观测到的红外辐射现象。This may explain the IR observations.

你的辐射监测仪在哪里?Where is your radiation hazard meter?

恒星是巨大能量的辐射体。The stars are radiators of vast power.

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这时会伴随着辐射。And, it will be accompanied by radiation.

盐是一种辐射光不能穿透的状之。Barium sulfate is a radiopaque substance.

用看板图作为主要的信息辐射体Kanban Board as Main Information Radiator