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那颗蓝雀斑?That blue freckle?

你容易长雀斑吗?Do you freckle easily?

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他脸上稍有一些雀斑。He kidded her about her freckles.

她的脸上长满了雀斑。Her face is covered with freckles.

皮尔斯那张有雀斑的大脸庞显得严肃庄重。Pierce's open, freckled face was grave.

雀斑通常是日晒形成的。Freckles are usually formed by sunburnt.

有没有蜜粉可以掩盖我的雀斑?。Is there some face powder to hide my freckles?

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有些人较他人易生雀斑。Some people freckle more easily than others do.

他脸上的油太多了,他的雀斑都滑走了。His face is so greasy , his freckle slipped off.

那一张长在雀斑上的脸扑来道晚安哪!How abt a face grown on freckles to say GuNite?!

他脸上也溅满了血点看起来就像雀斑一样。Blood spatters speckled his cheeks like freckles.

韦斯莱家人都有火红的头发和雀斑。All the Weasleys have bright red hair and freckles.

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奥利安娜很瘦小,戴着眼镜,脸上还有雀斑。Arianna was short, skinny with glasses and freckles.

换句话说,就好像红发和雀斑。In other words, it may be like red hair and freckles.

“伊安是红发雀斑小屁孩的名字,”一个朋友很强调的说。"Ians are always ginger, " a friend said emphatically.

拜烈日之赐,脱了好几层皮,也长出一脸雀斑。The scorching sun peeled her skin and freckled her face.

“你脸上这么多雀斑,都没地方画了!”“You’ve got so many freckles, there’s no place to paint!

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消除皱纹,消除顽固的雀斑、黑斑、老人斑!只在7天之内!Natural Way To Remove Wrinkles and age spots within 7 Days!

他们都是一个颜色,还是各种各样颜色的雀斑?Are they all one color or are there flecks of various colors?

红头发和雀斑与同性恋有同样的发生率Red hair and freckles has the same occurrence as homosexuality.