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难道,这是心灵和思想的遭遇战?It is a fight between my heart and my mind?

到底是什麽,让遭遇战变得如此特别?What makes the new skirmish game mode so unique?

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这是一场超级遭遇战,我们希望能赢下比赛。It will be a super encounter and we want to win it.

接下来还有两场比赛,还有两场必须拿下的遭遇战。There are two games to play, two encounters to win.

非典遭遇战虽然暂告结束,但却留下许多思考。Although the SARS war is over temporary, but it has left much thought.

他吃了三十年俸禄,早已作好了打这场遭遇战的准备。He had been paid through thirty years to prepare for such an encounter.

一支游击队和一支骑兵之间的一场小小遭遇战,算得了什么?。What is a little brush between a guerilla band and a squadron of cavalry?

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这一有惊无险的遭遇战让杉木确信黄鸣锋等人真的死了。The narrowly missed encounter make sure fir huang feng and others really dead.

你曾经指出会有需要公会规模力量的遭遇战。You've stated that there will be encounters which require a "guild" size force.

遭遇战对手的难度被调整了,同时一些物体和星门的名称。The encounter difficulty was modified, as well as some object names and gate types.

对米兰将是一场遭遇战,对博里索夫的比赛也很关键。Against Milan it will be a direct encounter and even the match against Bate is important.

德比的气氛永远都是那样的美妙并且像这样的遭遇战将会非常壮观。The atmosphere of a derby is always wonderful and it's great to go head-to-head like this.

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接着我们来到了一个叫“中心点”的小镇,遇到了我政治生涯中一个比较值得回忆的遭遇战。Then we came to Center Point, and one of the more memorable encounters of my life in politics.

德罗巴在之前与巴萨的遭遇战中吃到了一张他的首张冠军杯赛事的红牌。Drogba received his first red card in the Champions League in a previous encounter with Barcelona.

于是丛林战基本以设伏战以及遭遇战为主。Therefore the jungle warfare basic lays an ambush fights as well as the meeting engagement primarily.

面临星期二的遭遇战,这位状态正佳的前锋正在遭受高烧和扁桃腺炎的困扰。The in-form striker is suffering from a high fever and tonsillitis ahead of Tuesday's encounter at San Siro.

冰冠要塞分为10人和25人版本,每个版本各有12次遭遇战。Icecrown Citadel features 10- and 25-player versions of the raid dungeon, and each version has 12 encounters.

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球队正在开始进步,今晚我们用一种合适的状态去准备周三的遭遇战。This team is starting to improve and this evening we were in the right shape to prepare for Wednesday's encounter.

事实上,这位主帅相信他的球队将在这场遭遇战上有足够的经历去表现出色。In fact, the manager believes his team will have just enough experience to make a good impression on the continent.

尽管得克萨斯人在阿拉莫遭遇战事不利,但这场战争给起义大业带来了激励推动和战斗口号。Although the Texans were defeated at the Alamo, the battle gave the insurgent cause its motivation and its battle cry.