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孤零零的哀歌将不会唤醒水手。Monody shall not wake the mariner.

比起怀旧更像是哀歌。It is elegiac rather than nostalgic.

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管弦乐和琵琶哀歌“南京!南京!”Nanking! Nanking! A Threnody for Orchestra and Pipa.

在这本情意绵绵的哀歌式小说的末尾,他结束了一生。He died at the end of this wistful and elegiac novel.

这是哀歌,也必用以作哀歌。This is a lamentation, and shall be for a lamentation.

为什么你还在那里吟唱青春的哀歌?Why you are still singing a pensive lay there for youth?

他长篇与即兴的哀歌将永远迴绕于我的耳际。His long, improvised dirges will ring forever in my ears.

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它创造宴会和饥荒、欢乐之歌和哀歌。It created feasts and famines, songs of joy, lamentations.

我们只抽“耶利米哀歌”那章,正好配香烟。We only smoke the Lamentations. Just right for a cigarette.

你当为以色列的王作起哀歌Moreover take thou up a lamentation for the princes of Israel

时候一到,他将宣读或背诵这首哀歌。When the time comes, he will read or recite this lamentation.

而且在以色列中成了定例。这歌载在哀歌书上。These became a tradition in Israel and are written in the Laments.

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大卫作哀歌,吊扫罗和他儿子约拿单And David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son

以色列家阿,要听我为你们所作的哀歌。Hear ye this word which I take up against you, even a lamentation, O house of Israel.

约伯的哀歌说,他末后的日子,已剩不多,匆匆将逝,且满灾患。Job laments that his last days, which are only a few, are fleeting and so full of trouble.

皇家小教堂,圣保罗大教堂和威斯敏斯特教堂唱诵哀歌。Der Chapel Royal, der St. Pauls Cathedral und der Westminster Abbey sangen die Trauerhymne.

没有哀歌,没有忏悔,没有默想,没有称谢——只有赞美、赞美、还是赞美。There’s no lamentation, no confession, no meditation, no thanks, just praise, praise and praise.

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开轩聊直望,晓雪河冰壮。哀哀歌苦寒,郁郁独惆怅。Kaixuan talk straight at her, river ice. Lament lament the bitter cold, depressed the melancholy.

这是一首简单的哀歌,有关于生活步伐无休止并要求事事从快从而造成的精疲力竭。The song is a simple lament about the exhaustion from a relentless pace of life that demands everything immediately.

所谓的历史在这一个瞬间凝结了,那些穿越时空的笑厣和群星幻灭的悲怆在此时汇集成了一首流传的哀歌。The history congealed at that moment, the deranged dimple and the disillusion depression were combinated into one dirge.