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中国和越南是一衣带水的亚洲邻邦。Who will win a war between Vietnam and China?

中日两国是一衣带水的邻邦,有着二千多年交往的历史。Over two thousand years China and Japan are neighbouring countries.

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中国和日本是一衣带水的近邻。China and Japan are close neighbours separated only by a strip of water.

中日两国一衣带水,隋唐以前,两国已有文化交往。Japan and china are close neighbours separated by only a strip of water.

中日两国是一衣带水的邻邦。China and Japan are close neighbors facing each other across a narrow strip of water.

日本作为我国一衣带水的近邻,是经济大国,又是航运大国。Japan is our neighbor, which is great power not only in economy but also in shipping industry.

中国与日本是一衣带水的邻邦,有着源远流长的文化交流史。Japan is a neighboring country of a long-standing history of cultural communication with China.

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日本与中国一衣带水,在气候条件、文化渊源和城市发展历程上都有许多相似的背景。There are many similar backgrounds of the urban construction and development process to China in Japan.

作为一衣带水的邻国,两国友好交往历史悠久。As the neighbors connected by waters, both countries have witnessed a long history of friendly exchanges.

与我国一衣带水的邻国,近来就不断发生惨绝人寰的种族屠杀事件。Horrendous ethnic killings have been occurring withregularityin our neighbouring country a Body of water.

中韩两国一衣带水、隔江相望,自古以来是友好邻邦。China and South Korea regularity, across a river, has been facing a friendly neighbor since ancient times.

中国是金鱼的故乡,日本作为一衣带水的邻国,与中国有着悠久的文化交流历史。China is the hometown of goldfish, whereas Japanese as neighbors, and China has a long history of cultural exchange.

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中国是金鱼的故乡,日本作为一衣带水的邻国,与中国有着悠久的文化交流历史。China is the hometown of goldfish, a narrow strip of water in neighboring Japan, and China has a long cultural history.

中日两国一衣带水,从两千多年前就开始了大量的文化交流和往来。Being close neighbors, China and Japan started massive cultural exchange and communication as early as two thousand years ago.

日本是西太平洋中的岛国,与中国隔海相望,是中国“一衣带水”的邻国。Japan is an island nation in west Pacific Ocean and a neighboring country of China which lie across the Ocean with each other.

日本是我国一衣带水的邻国,与我们有着相近的人文背景。Japan and China are close neighbors separated only by a strip of water, and we have some commons in social and cultural backgrounds.

浙江位于中国东部沿海,自古海上交通发达,与日本一衣带水,在中日文化交流研究中,浙江与日本的关系至关重要。The relations between Zhejiang and Japan are of great significance in the studies of the cultural exchanges between China and Japan.

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与我国一衣带水的邻国,近来就不断发生惨绝人寰的种族屠杀事件。Horrendous ethnic killings have been occurring with regularity in our neighbouring country, separated from us by only a Body of water.

中国和日本自古以来就是两个一衣带水的近邻国家,拥有着2000多年的友好历史。China and Japan are two neighboring nations with uncuttable relations ever since long time ago, with nearly 2000 years friendly history.

韩国作为一衣带水的邻邦,所受的影响尤为深刻,这一点从韩国传统医学的学术核心体系中得以显现。As a neighbor, South Korean is impacted particularly profound, which is reflected from the academic core of South Korea's traditional medicine.