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貌似运行良好。It seems to run okay.

它貌似很有规律。It's,like,very regular.

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程序貌似是起作用的。Everything seems to work.

他貌似被甩了。It seems that he got dumped.

古兰经则彻底批判利息,他们说,利息貌似是生意,但上帝许你做生意不许你收利息。The Koran damns interest outright

现在又给禁掉了,而且貌似是动真格的了。Now, they're banned. Like, for real.

好的,再回到文萨特身上来--我貌似总是提到他。Okay. Wimsatt--I keep saying Wimsatt.

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貌似格林斯潘这次又错了。Looks like Greenspan was wrong. Again.

他和一个貌似琼妮的姑娘谈话。He is talking to a girl resembling Joan.

——整个计划貌似很冒险和疯狂。The entire plan seemed adventurous and wild.

貌似是个重启核电站的好地方。Seems a good place to re-open a nuclear plant.

有些东西貌似强大,其实软弱。Some things seem powerful but are really weak.

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这个貌似轻一些,把它放这儿。This one feels lighter, so let's put him here.

貌似不错的三种方法,改天我尝试下。It seems three good methods, I will have a try.

他们貌似蛮族,却都是救世主。They seemed barbarians, and they were saviours.

呃,貌似我身上的勇气就是从这儿来的。This, it seems, is where I get my bravery from.

哪天你看到一颗貌似彗星的行星,那会是啥星呢?Whaddya get when you cross a planet with a comet ?

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有些猜想貌似有理,但所有猜想都是不明确的。Some of it is plausible but none of it is definite.

那位铁公爵②貌似镇静,但嘴唇却发白了。The Iron Duke remained calm, but his lips blanched.

河鲈中几种貌似长矛的鱼。Any of several pike-like fishes of the perch family.