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中国从不追求贸易顺差。China does not seek trade surplus.

中国不搞一个贸易顺差,闻先生说道。China does not pursue a trade surplus, Wen said.

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但是在曼越橘上有900万美金的顺差。But it had a nine million dollar surplus in cranberries.

我们的贸易顺差在接下来几个月中将会下降,然后持平。Our surplus will keep falling in the next few months then level off.

贸易顺差意味着资源错误配置。The favorable balance of trade means the resource mis- configuration.

中国在2007年的贸易顺差达创纪录的2625亿美元。China hit a record 262-point-five billion dollar trade surplus in 2007.

一些经济学家预测,今年中国贸易顺差可能再度扩大。Some economists predict the surplus could start to widen again this year.

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2月贸易顺差为238亿美元,接近历史记录。February's trade surplus was a near-record 23-point-eight billion dollars.

中国日益扩大的贸易顺差一直是流动性过剩的主要原因。China’s widening trade surplus has been a major source of excess liquidity.

中国林产品对外贸易是全国贸易顺差的巨大支撑。Chinese forestry products foreign trade is the support of all-trade-balance.

最新的月度统计数字表明中国外贸顺差进一步增长。The latest monthly figures show a growing surplus in China's overseas trade.

中国的货物贸易是顺差,但服务贸易是逆差。China has a surplus in trade of goods, but runs a deficit in trade of services.

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与此同时,现如今的中国同样拥有稳定的贸易顺差、是一个如假包换的债权国。At the same time, today China runs trade surpluses and is a net-creditor nation.

尽管如此,中国贸易顺差的持续缩减——从2007年占G。Nonetheless, the continued shrinking of China's trade surplus as a share of G. D.

这使中国出口商拥有价格优势,已经非常庞大的贸易顺差仍在增加。That gives its exporters a price advantage and adds to its swollen trade surplus.

汇丰银行亚洲经济研究所所长屈鸿兵在一份致客户的信中写道,“随着中国贸易顺差范围进一步拓宽,无论是进口还是出口增长都比预期要强劲。Both exports and imports came in stronger than expected as the trade surplus widened.

他说美国很清楚一九八八年有三亿五千万美元的贸易顺差是来自藤草的出口。He said the U.S. realized US.5 billion in trade surplus from tobacco exports in 1988.

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中国的高储蓄率是中国对全球的贸易出现高额顺差的一个主要原因。China's high saving rate is a major contributor to the country's large global trade surplus.

巨额的贸易顺差是人民币升值的要因,反之,人民币汇率的变动也具有贸易收支和结构效应。In turn, the RMB exchange rate's trade and structure Pass-Through effect is also significant.

外贸顺差,国际收支不平衡矛盾加剧。The trade surplus has become large, and the imbalance in international payments has worsened.