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蓝夜色,铜锣湾。Blue night, Causeway.

她逃入茫茫夜色中。She fled into the night.

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他消失在夜色中。He disappeared into the night.

夜色笼罩着那些山谷。In these valleys night reigns.

这园中的夜色多么迷人啊。The night is fair in the garden.

山楂溪瀑布群,阿肯色州,夜色。Haw Creek Falls, Arkansas, at Night.

阳台上。夜色朦胧。In the balcony, the night is hazily.

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而且,今晚夜色很美。Besides, it's such a beautiful night.

天阶夜色凉如水。Cooler night-day bands such as water.

这莽原上有愚昧的军队趁着夜色鏖战。Where ignorant armies clash by night.

慢慢地,温柔地,夜色铺开锦缎。Slowly, gently, night unfurls splendor.

美丽的夜色让我沉醉。The beauty of the night intoxicated me.

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迭戈把烟头抛入沉沉的夜色。Diego flung his cigarette into the dark.

把可乐拿在手里,我骄傲的走出去,并走进黄昏的夜色里,祖父耐心的笑着等着我。Grampy was waiting patiently. He smiled.

夜色笼罩着黄石村。Night closed in on Yellow Stone Village.

夜色,丰满着你迷人的呓语。The night, full of your charming nonsense.

缓缓的,轻柔的,夜色展现光彩。Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor.

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并在夜色的亲吻时悄悄合上。And closed them beneath the kisses of night.

幽暗的车道在夜色中伸展过来。Dark car tracks move in out of the darkness.

但他只顾举目向天,啜饮纯净的夜色。But, eyes raised, he drank in the pure night.