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霍山城战事正酣。Huoshan height in city.

靠近喀山城了。Approaching the city of Kazan.

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该城镇修建在群山之中,故取名“山城”。The town is in the mountains, named "mountain town".

我们打算在这山城作一次配导游的旅行。We are going on a guided tour around the mountain city.

场地距离一山城北部一小时车程。The site is an hour drive up north near the city of Ilsan.

青城山位于都江堰的西南部,它的中文意思是绿色的山城。Qingcheng Mountain is located just southwest of Dujiangyan.

该城镇建筑在群山之中,故取名'山城'。The town was built among the hills, hence the name Hilltown.

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我在遥远的山城巴尔的摩市的一栋小排房里长大。I grew up in a tiny Baltimore row house in a faraway mountain area.

重庆是一个拥有647万人口的繁华大型山城。Chongqing is a large and flourishing mountain city of 6,470,000 inhabitants.

我们喝了廉价的山城啤酒,我们开玩笑,轮流唱歌。We drank cheap Shancheng Beer, we joked around, we took turns singing songs.

山城,茶园丘陵上一个已经被废弃了的茶厂岗哨。Disused tea factory standing sentinel over tea garden hillside, Hill Country.

该城镇修建在群山之中,故取名“山城”。This town is built among the mountains, so its name is called "Mountain town".

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他自信靠自己的力量也能拿下霍山城,于是命令进攻。He was confident on their own can also win city huoshan, then ordered the attack.

靠近喀山城了。在左边有一个叫做斯维亚日斯克的城市岛屿。Approaching the city of Kazan. On the left there is a city-island called Swiyazhsk.

我家乡是宣城,宣城在安徽的南部,是一个美丽的小山城。Xuancheng is located in the south of Anhui province and it's a beautiful mountain city.

另外,我们还会近距离接触洛桑山城的奥林匹克博物馆。And we will also take a closer look at the Olympic Museum in the hilly city of Lausanne.

我们还将参观下坐落于洛桑这座山城的奥林匹克博物馆。And we will also take a closer look at the Olympic Museum in the hilly city of Lausanne.

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那时候,在重庆这个内陆的山城,自行车和老外都很罕见。At the time, either a bike or a foreigner was a rare sight in Chongqing the inland mountain city.

达赖喇嘛蜗居在遥远的印度山城达兰萨拉,但是他对达旺地区有着巨大的影响力。From his home in the distant Indian hill town of Dharamsala, he wields enormous influence over Tawang.

山城金矿为石英脉型金矿,受断裂构造控制。Shancheng gold ore deposit is a fault controlled quartz-vein type gold ore deposit in Shandong province.