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借贷记帐法原理。Debit-credit bookkeeping principle.

因此,国营企业被迫借贷。So state enterprises were forced to borrow.

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因悲哀的旧世界须借贷欢笑For the sad old earth must borrow it's mirth

战后消费者借贷节节上升。Consumer lending had pyramided since the war.

将借贷期限从90天的缩减到60天。Reduced credit period from 90 days to 60 days.

改变GSE的借贷标准如何尼?How about revising the GSE's lending standards?

很多企业不能借贷或发放薪水。Many businesses cannot borrow or make pay-roll.

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钱是很容易的伟大事业中过度借贷。Easy money is the great cause of over-borrowing.

另一个选择是继续借贷或印钱。The alternative is to print or borrow more money.

长期借贷市场仍然通路不畅。Longer-term borrowing markets are still mostly shut.

这将使我们的可借贷资金的供应增加。That is, we have increased the supply of loanable funds.

最后一点需要注意的是,与他人共同借贷之前务必认真考虑。Finally, think very carefully before co-signing on a loan.

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而且,短期借贷市场表现出受压迹象。Also, the short-term lending markets showed signs of stress.

若公司有大笔借贷,则称之为有杠杆性If a company borrows a lot of money it's called "leveraged."

所以借贷者财务状况转坏的第二轮效应可能会增加银行的不良贷款。So the second-round effect could increase NPLs at the banks.

你只得低声下气地向银行经理借贷。You will just have to grovel to the bank manager for a loan.

借贷者拥有两张第一资金的卡,两张卡限贷都很低,使得他们很容易超支。That gives them two cards, with two low limits, to overspend.

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银行业可以向私营部门借贷支撑信贷扩张所需的额外资金。Of course, gun-shy banks are only part of the lending problem.

信贷紧缩致使借贷成本达最高水平,从而出现了信贷投资的牛年。The credit crunch saw borrowing costs blow out to high levels.

大部分私营借贷公司会要求学生拉上一个联保人。Most privatelenders require student borrowers to have a cosigner.