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我们被车撞了,肇事司机逃逸。We were victims of a hit and run driver.

是你所需的逃逸速度。That is the escape velocity that you need.

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在中国,一个交通肇事逃逸致死案展露阶级愤怒In China, hit-and-run death exposes class anger

警方正在追捕肇事逃逸者Police are hunting for the hit-and-run culprit.

他当时逃逸了但是10小时后就被抓获。He fled the scene but was arrested 10 hours later.

周一发生了一起肇事逃逸案,我是其中的受害者。I was a victim of a hit-and-run accident on Monday.

这是逃逸速度的一个很有力的版本!That's a pretty strong version of escape velocity !

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周一发生了一起肇事逃逸案,我是其中的受害者。I was a victim of a hit-and-run acccident on Monday.

周一发生了一起肇事逃逸案,我是其中的受害者。I was a victim of a hit- and -run accident on Monday.

可供对逃逸电子的进一步研究参考。The results are useful for further study of runaways.

一位法师收集的异界生物逃逸了。A wizard's collection of extraplanar creatures escapes.

答案,是因为,逃逸速度的计算。Well, the answer lies in evaluating the escape velocity.

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它最初说的是一个22岁醉酒驾车肇事逃逸的司机。It was first said by a drunk 22-year-old hit-and-run driver.

该词也可以指肇事逃逸司机。The term “hit-and-run” may also be applied to such a driver.

他说,遗憾的是其中一名袭击者设法逃逸。He said unfortunately one of the attackers managed to escape.

警方证实这起车祸是肇事逃逸事件。The police verified that this car accident was a Hit- and -Run.

目前,该煤矿的矿长等管理人员已逃逸,公安部门正在展开追捕。Local police are looking for the mine's managers, who have fled.

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货车司机承认犯有撞车、逃逸和一般杀人罪。The pickup driver pleaded guilty to hit and run and manslaughter.

这一项和这一项,逃逸速度相等。And so this term is the same as this term for your escape velocity.

目击者把那辆逃逸的汽车车牌号码记了下来。The witness memorized the license-plate number of the get-away car.