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来一杯山度士奶茶?Santos a cup of tea?

在当地开了一家奶茶店。Runs a milk tea house.

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刘若英就像一杯奶茶!Rene Liu as a cup of tea!

当奶茶遇见珍珠。When milk tea meet pearls.

一杯奶茶,还有八杯。Excuse me, two cups more pls.

约翰和我都喜欢喝奶茶…John and I both love tea with milk.

奶茶所用的茶叶是青砖茶。Milk tea leaves are used in green tea.

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现在的我喜欢喝立顿奶茶。Now I like to drink Lipton tea with milk.

可不可以跟你借点牛奶来泡奶茶?。Can I just blag some milk off you for my tea?

这些哈萨克人请我们吃了他们最好的奶茶。The Kazakhs treated us to their best cream tea.

孩子到底是坐不住的,明明喝完了奶茶,就叫嚷着要走。Children are restless, I drank tea, he shouted to go.

是的,每一杯奶茶里都可能有凯撒的尿。Yes, every sweet tea can contain some of Caesar's pee.

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第五道茶是茶与纯牛奶调饮,即奶茶。The fifth tea is tea-drinking with pure milk, milk tea.

免费赠送的有咖啡、奶茶、可乐、七喜等。We offer free coffee, milk tea, cola, seven-up and so on.

我只是想告诉大家我是多么喜欢这款下奶茶。I just want to tell you how much I love your Milkmaid Tea.

我只是想通知大家我是多么喜爱这款下奶茶。I just want to tell you how much I love your Milkmaid Tea.

Elcafe奶茶另附糖包,供个人口味喜好作选择。Elcafe Milk Tea has sugar packed to suit individual tastes.

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你想要怎么样的茶?奶茶还是糖茶?Would you tell me how you want your tea, with sugar or milk?

奶茶加冰是件简单的事情,或者可以说是绝配。Ice tea is a simple matter, or can be said that perfect match.

为了加强这种冰肌玉骨的感觉,我还特意买了一杯泰国冰奶茶。To enhance this feeling, I bought a cup of Thai iced milk tea.