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绝不推压或牵拉任何部位。Never pull or force anything.

牵拉性支气管扩张也强烈提示肺纤维化。Traction bronchiectasis is also strongly suggestive of fibrosis.

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骡和马在岸上用绳索牵拉着驳船在运河中前行。Mules and horses on land pulled the barges through the canal using ropes.

目的研究安氟醚麻醉下牵拉胆囊对家兔窦房结功能的影响。Objective To study the effects of pulling gallbladder on SA node function.

双侧动眼神经麻痹1例,与手术牵拉有关。Bilateral oculomotor palsy occurred in 1 case due to intraoperative traction.

这是视网膜脱离最常见的一种类型,比牵拉性和渗出性的病例多发。It is the most common type of retinal detachment, ahead of tractional and exudative.

结果手术中确认27只眼有新生血管膜,23只眼有牵拉性视网膜脱离。Results NVM and TRD were confirmed during operation in 27 and 23 eyes, respectively.

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考察不同时间的PNF牵拉对关节ROM和肌肉力量的影响作用。The impact of PNF stretch time on the joint ROM and the muscle strength was studied.

探头具有减压弹簧可防止电缆弯曲或牵拉。Probes come with a strain relief spring to protect cable against flexing and tugging.

慢性肘部牵拉伤是导致肘管综合征的主要因素。The chronic tractive injury at the elbow is the main factor of cubital tunnel syndrome.

结果28眼巩膜裂伤中出现牵拉性网脱16眼、单纯性玻璃体浑浊12眼。Results 16 eyes had tractional detachment of retina of retina 12 eyes had vitreous opacity.

人工浮岛载体固定方式主要有抛锚式、桩定式、立柱式、牵拉式。The main types of artificial floating island include anchoring, piling, column, and pulling.

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使用神经牵引器轻柔的牵拉与保护硬膜囊与神经根。The thecal sac and nerve root are then gently retracted and protected with a nerve retractor.

虽然他的膝关节必须用矫形器被动的固定和牵拉,但是他感到十分高兴。His knees have to be fixed passively into the extension by orthoses. He is so happy about that.

结论阑尾系膜封闭能够改善阑尾术中的内脏牵拉反应。Conclusions Meso-appendix block can alleviate the pulling reaction of visus during appendectomy.

这类不可复性食管裂孔疝有可能是由脊柱后突牵拉所致。This kind of irreversible esophageal hiatal hernia may be due to the traction caused by kyphosis.

手术当中出现的神经损伤多为压迫或牵拉所致。Injury occurring to a nerve intraoperatively is usually due to compression or stretching of the nerve.

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持续长时间牵拉造成神经肌肉接头处的损害亦导致肌肉去神经支配。Damage to the neuromuscular junction following prolonged retraction can also lead to muscle denervation.

在大陆的边缘,地壳被向下牵拉,从而在洋底形成了很深的海沟。At the edges of the continents, the crust is dragged downward to form the deep trenches of the ocean floors.

比如可用特制的针头,将痘坑下牵拉皮肤的疤痕组织分离。Such as special needle, and will be available next pull blain hole of the skin of the scar tissue separation.