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我们有退步的可能吗?Could we do worse? Yes.

没有退步的进步!No retrogressive progress!

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进步还是退步?Progress or Retrogression?

退步的行为或事例,如。The act or an instance of lapsing, as.

他退步了,不过后来有了很大的转变。He got backslidden but he has had a great turn.

在我们今日的社会里,没有进步就意味着退步。And in our society today, no progress means to retrogress.

我们担心,她是因为她的词汇退步正在减少。We fear that she is regressing as her vocab is decreasing.

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俄罗斯足球已经退步了,”希丁克说。Russian football has taken a step backwards, " Hiddink said.

谁知等到再从新开始学习时,才明显的感觉到自己退步了许多。Who knows when to start learning, can obviously feel lost many.

你考试考得不错,我希望你不要退步。You've done a good job in the exam, I hope you won't backslide.

你考试考得不错,我希望你不要退步。正在加载用户记忆法…You've done a good job in the exam, I hope you won't backslide.

这就是所谓日本战争的退步性。This is what we mean by the retrogressive nature of Japan's war.

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这一退步将跟他2009年依靠弊选连任一样糟糕。That would be as big a setback as his rigged re-election in 2009.

“阿联酋和卡塔尔显然在退步”,国际劳工组织的汗先生表示。"The UAE and Qatar have definitely regressed," says the ILO's Mr. Khan.

如果你需要休息一下,害羞地低下头,然后退步走向他,像这样,“是我吗?If you need a break, look down coyly then back up at him, like, “Who me?

医学退步。护士没有视频站,跑步机没有显示等等。Medicine reverts. No nurse's video stations, displays for treadmills, etc.

我到那儿去了三次,去作女性化妆、作世上分析和退步脱毛。I have been there three times, for a make-over, fashion analysis and a leg wax.

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此时荒政措施有进步之处也有退步的地方。In this period, the measures of famine policy advanced or moved back in some prospects.

网球冠军玛蒂娜-纳芙拉蒂洛娃在比赛突然退步时悟出了这个道理。Tennis champion Martina Navratilova realized this when her game suddenly started sliding.

两年前,我们在这个方面曾经做得不错,但是上赛季有了明显的退步。Two years ago, we once did in this aspect well, but on the season had obvious regressing.