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这是一架古巴的米格-29战机。This is A Cuban MiG-29.

苏-25战机翱翔在埃里温蔚蓝的天空。The Su-25 in Yerevan’s sky.

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第七封信——X翼战机Seventh Email – X-Wing Fighter

米格战机一般搭载1到2人。MiG generally carry 1-2 people.

你已经得到了一架X翼战机。You’ve earned an X-Wing Fighter.

有些维京战机在头顶上飞。Some Vikings fly overhead as well.

隐形战机?看起来就像是F-15飞机的复制品。Stealth? It looks like an F-15 copy.

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绝地武士,你已经得到了一架对环境友好的X翼战机!Jedi, you’ve gained an eco-friendly X-Wing!

在致远星战役关卡劫持一架妖姬战机。Hijacked a Banshee during the Reach Campaign.

保加利亚目前有16架米格29战机。Bulgaria currently has 16 MiG-29 interceptors.

我认为F35战机将让很多人感到吃惊。I think the F35 will surprise a lot of people.

他列举了F-15SE战机的很多优势。He cited a number of advantages for the F-15SE.

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快来坐上战机,体验机爆的快感吧!Come sit on the machine and experience pleasure!

正是新型战机的试飞让中国走进了精英俱乐部。The test flight puts China in a very elite club.

似乎这种模型机演变成了目前的歼-31战机。That model appears to have evolved into the J-31.

模组里所有的战机战舰图片资料区。All fighters and warships of pictures area in mod.

有三架旧的太空战机在那家小餐馆里。There are three old Space Wars machines at The Caff.

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我们的F-22可以非常轻松的扮演多种角色的战机。Our F-22s can take out multi-role planes pretty easily.

在飞龙战机的驾驶舱,夸里奇看着箭矢打在防弹玻璃上哐当作响的场景,哈哈大笑。IN THE DRAGON’S COCKPIT, Quaritch laughs as arrows CLINK

目前,印度空军大约有32个中队,每个中队有18架战机。It currently has around 32, each comprising 18 aircraft.