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我重新做过。I'll re-work it.

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重新运行此测试。Rerun this test.

然后重新审视博弈Then look again.

我想重新考虑。I've reconsidered.

托盘菜单重新建造。Tray menu re-built.

我们可以重新估计。We can reevaluate.

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‘重新存仓’‘Rebuild Inventory’

我可以重新映射PIC吗?Can I remap the PIC?

我们重新保存它。Let me re-save this.

他又获得了重新起用。He was started again.

或者重新适应。Or at least re-adapt.

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重新签署组件。Re-sign the assembly.

我们重新装饰了房间。We did the room over.

再重新研究,等等Look again, etc., etc.

重新疏导性活力。Re-channel sex energy.

重新审视你的目标。Reevaluate your goals.

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重新组织自己面临的状况。Reframe the situation.

你可以重新上载吗?Could you re-upload it?

任务可以重新被打开。Tasks can be re-opened.