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位置在肝脏上方。Located on topside of liver.

递给我肝脏和胗。Pass me the liver and gizzards.

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肝脏较大,分叶。The liver is big and lobulated.

稍可令人安慰的是肝脏。What comforts us a little is liver.

一个健康的肝脏清洁,由团体。A Healthy Liver Cleanses the Body by.

疗肝脏疾病,百战百胜!Cure liver disease, ever victorious !

肝细胞癌是肝脏的原发性癌症。HCC is a primary cancer of the liver.

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听那如同天然肝脏的流水的自在。To the running water as a nature liver.

下面是HDAC3肝脏正常水平。Below is liver with normal HDAC3 levels.

可你的肝脏和肾免费帮你排毒。Your liver and kidneys do that for free.

DHT组的肝脏组织病理接近正常。HD-DHT had nearly normal liver pathology.

肝脏是人体最大的内脏器官。The liver is your largest internal organ.

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深吸气使肝脏下降。Deep inspiration causes the liver to descend.

我曾经虐待我的肝脏,就好像它对警察开过枪一样。I used to punish my liver like it shot a cop.

我接受了肝脏移植,那还是我。I've gotten a liver transplant. It's still me.

触诊易摸到大而质硬的肝脏。A large and firm liver could be easily palpated.

咖啡可以协助肝脏排毒。Coffee will detox your liver in surprising ways.

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为什么肠卜师目不转睛地打量那绵羊的肝脏呢?Why is the haruspex eyeballing the sheep's liver?

我就伴着蚕豆把他的肝脏吃了下去,还有美味的红酒呢。I ate his liver with some fava and a nice Chianti.

活橄榄使发货人的肝脏持续存活。The living olive keeps the deliverers liver alive.