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请勿以手指测试刀锋的锋利度。Do not test sharp by finger.

除了刀锋的那条凹槽。But the notches on the blade.

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刀锋等人与阿虎继续前行。Blade etc man and AHu continued.

高举闪着凯旋的宝剑刀锋。Lift the victory-flashing sword.

刀锋愣怔许久,轻轻点头。LengZheng long blade, gently nod.

没有刀锋的瑞士军刀?A Swiss army knife without a blade?

临刑之际,刀锋等人及时赶到。Die of blade etc. Get there in time.

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仍余一个拳头能紧握刀锋。While still one fist can draw a knife.

刮胡刀应有锐利的刀锋。A razor should have a very sharp blade.

说你的刀锋还没有食欲利落。Thy edge should blunter be than appetite.

刀锋怪玩家可以成为任何非混乱阵营。Bladeling PCs may be any non-chaotic alignment.

鬼叔与刀锋情若父子。Ghost uncle and blade feeling if father and son.

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秦坤爱女心切,不许麦子再去找刀锋。QinKun baby swiftly, forbid to wheat seek blade.

刀锋划过手腕,我却没有感到疼痛。I feel no pain as the knife goes across my wrist.

马啸陡然间拔出手枪将刀锋击倒。MaXiao sudden between his handgun will blade down.

刀锋山的某种鸟现在可以抓捕。Dire Ravens in Blade's Edge Mountains now tameable.

刀锋想助阿虎一臂之力,救回族人。Blade to help AHu a helping hand, save the hui people.

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不要让刀锋嘲讽它柄子的拙钝。Let not the sword-knife mock its hperdle for being dull.

他们的刀锋要么是直的要么是有点弯曲。They will either have a straight or slightly curved edge.

原来刀锋曾经在琼崖党委总部昏睡了半月有余。Originally QiongYa party headquarters in blade had a spare.