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他温习了一下西班牙语。He gave his Spanish a brush-up.

他要温习一下他的法语。He wants to furbish up his French.

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他不断的温习和演练手中的资料。He reviews and rehearses his material.

提醒他们至少一年温习一次。Remind them of it at least once a year.

通过学习课程来温习你的技能。Brush up your skills by taking a course.

他考试前临时抱佛脚温习中世纪艺术。He boned up on medieval art before the exam.

考试前学生忙着温习功课。The students get with it before examination.

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他们每夜都温习功课。They review their lessons night after night.

我必须开始温习功课了—期末考试在日益临近。I must start reviewing—final exam is looming.

她正在教室里温习功课。She is reviewing her lessons in the classroom.

不要打扰汤姆,他正在温习功课,准备考试呢。Don't disturb Tom. He's studying for her exams.

我经常翻阅习作簿來温习。I often go over my exercise books for revision.

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我得为了明天的讲话温习一下我笔记。I’ve have to go over my notes for tomorrow’s talk.

我们将首先温习一些语言的基本事实We'll first go over some basic facts about language.

维康比的比赛中,他再次温习了中后卫的位置。At Wycombe he re-acquainted himself with centre-back.

好好温习功课,否则考试通不过。Revise properly, otherwise you won't pass your exams.

她们在敞亮的灯光下温习功课。They are reviewing their lessons in the bright light.

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他们在光芒的灯光下温习功课。They are reviewing their lessons in the clever light.

我得温习功课准备期末考试了。I'll have to hit the books to prepare for the finals.

请问你会选择哪一区的坐椅温习或是看书?。Which area you choose the most for reading or studying?