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成为全美明星队成员感觉怎么样?How does it feel to be all-Amercian?

戈尔丁是1982年全美冠军。Golding was the 1982 all-America champion.

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从全美的锡安中,神已经发光了。From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth.

安宁国旗公司出产全美大部分的国旗。The Annin flag company makes most American flags.

安宁国旗公司出产全美大部分的国旗。Thee Annin flag company makes most American flags.

我们应该给全美每个孩子这样的机会。We need to give every child in America that chance.

安宁国旗公司出产全美大部分的国旗。The Annin flag company makes maximum American flags.

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我和全美乒乓球队在中国时。When I was in China on the all-America Ping-Pong team.

从全美的锡安中,神已经发光了。Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined.

在1980年的全美音乐盛典上,赢得了三个奖项。Michael Jackson won three American Music Awards in 1980.

这是一次全美范围对等的闪击式营销。It is the equivalent of a coast-to-coast marketing blitz.

陈炜教授从全美近300名教授中脱颖而出获得此奖。Chen was selected from nearly 300 professors in the country.

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他们都学过汉语,来自全美各城市和乡镇。And they come from cities and towns across the United States.

不过,关颖珊恢复了过来,在全美锦标赛中再次夺冠。However, Kwan recovered to win another US championship title.

哪一支球队你希望看到更多的全美直播?Which team would you like to see on more national broadcasts?

最近一段时间,一项名为“冰桶挑战赛”的慈善筹款活动风靡全美。The "Ice Bucket Challenge" is a fundraising activity in the U.

不必吃惊,她的背后是全美秃斑症基金会。Unsurprisingly, hers is the National Alopecia Areata Foundation.

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卢·维克瑞是美国当代作家,曾当过全美职业棒球运动员、教练。A. Lou Vickery is a Professional Baseball Player, Coach and Author.

全美五十个州均实施了强制使用安全带和儿童椅的法律。All 50 states now have mandatory seat-belt and child-restraint laws.

GMAC是全美汽车经销商融资中的关键一员。GMAC is a crucial player in financing car dealerships across the US.