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把洗濯物上的肥皂漂洗干净。Rinse out the soap from the washing.

这几件衬衫至少要漂洗三遍。Give the shirts at least three rinses.

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我是个可怜的女孩,在这里漂洗线团。I am a poor girl, and I am rinsing yarn.

从那大海和月光漂洗的土地交会之地Where the sea meets the moon-blanched land

污渍去除后一定要漂洗干净。After the besmirch purify must rinse clean.

当污渍去除后,还要用清水漂洗干净。When besmirch purify, even after rinse clean.

我现在的导师,也许我会更漂洗。Also I?m now a tutor, maybe I will more fulling.

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洗完毛巾后,她开始把它们漂洗干净。Having washed the towels, she began to rinse them.

他把游泳衣上的海水漂洗掉。He rinsed out the sea water from his bathing suit.

用清水漂洗干净晾干,这样你就能自豪地把它们摆放到桌子上。Rinse clean and dry, then set your table with pride.

几分钟后,漂洗掉醋,像往常一样冲洗头发就可以了。Wait a few minutes, then rinse it out and wash as usual.

施完螯合铁肥后用清水漂洗叶子。After Fe-Chelate fertilization rinse the leafs with water.

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军队提供反馈意见,并再次培训——打肥皂、漂洗、再重头来一遍。You offer feedback and train again--lather, rinse, repeat.

配备自动加排漂洗液功能。Standard equipped with auto fill-in and drain-out function.

那些牛仔裤不仅仅只是适当的漂洗,它代表的是对于一切中庸的态度。Those jeans aren't just mid-rinse, they are mid-everything.

操作自动水洗及漂洗布草的机器。Operates machine that automatically washes and rinses linen.

苏打粉洗头,苹果醋漂洗。Shampoo with baking soda, and rinse with apple cider vinegar.

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再次洗发,护理、漂洗和造型都和平时一样即可。Shampoo your hair again, condition, rinse and style as usual.

烫后的蕨菜要马上用干净的冷水进行漂洗。Hot immediately after the bracken to the cold water with a clean, rinse.

人造丝产品不适合有氯、、、液等氧化剂的漂洗、洗、磨洗等。The products are fit for chlorine, alkali, acid and the other chemicals washing.