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一个新的资本市场应运而生。A new market had sprung up out of nothing.

于是CBC新闻网就应运而生。Thus CBC News Network came into existence.

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一个真正的大麻经济刺激计划应运而生!A veritable marijuana economic-stimulus package!

在这种情况下,XML安全层应运而生。The XML Security Layer emerges in this situation.

工业化社会有閒阶级应运而生。The leisure class lives by the industrial community.

因此,金税工程应运而生。And then, the Golden Taxation Project was carried out.

满足各种需要和口味的设备将会应运而生。There will be something for every need and every taste.

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所谓非直管附属医院应运而生。The non-direct affiliated hospitals have come into being.

为了免除您的集纳烦恼,浴室柜应运而生。Jina trouble to remove your bathroom cabinets have emerged.

于是弗尔的新书应运而生,这本著作将于本月由企鹅出版社出版。Hence Foer's book, which is published by Penguin this month.

戴维南等值方法应运而生。Thevenin equivalent methods were born under these backgrounds.

本文的研究思路就是在此基础上应运而生的。Bashed on this, the core thought of this paper comes into being.

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而一个伪造证件的黑市也应运而生。A black market has sprung up in fraudulent letters of completion.

在这样的环境背景下,公益旅游应运而生。In the context of such environment, voluntourism came into being.

Ray是应运而生的时尚刊物,令17-22岁的女孩子们十分着迷。RAY is directed at the needs of young women 17 to 22 years of age.

电子认证就是在这种特定背景下应运而生。The electronic authentication emerges in this specific background.

自动立体停车库在这个严峻形势下应运而生。The automatic tridimensional garage is born in this grim situation.

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为了避免上述情况的发生,非融合技术应运而生。In order to avoid the occurrence of the above, non-fusion technologies.

以太网下MPLS数据流监测平台就在这种情况下应运而生。It is urgent to design a platform to monitor MPLS Datagram in ethernet.

伯吉斯之后的几十年完整的脑机产业应运而生。Burgess decades after the complete brain-computer industry came into being.