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第三十二条刑罚分为主刑和附加刑。Article 32 Punishments are divided into principal punishments and supplementary punishments.

罚金刑是刑法规定的三种附加刑之一。The fine penalty is one of the three main additional penalties that the criminal law prescribes.

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最后对减刑是否适用于附加刑、非监禁刑加以探讨。Finally, it discusses about whether the supplementary punishment and non-imprison punishment can be applicable or not.

但附加刑的缺失使本罪刑罚方面尚显不足,有待完善,应当增设罚金刑和剥夺政治权利刑。It is necessary to establish the punishment of fine and deprivation of politic right for the consummation of such crime.

同种附加刑应该采取并科原则,异种附加刑采取并科原则或者吸收原则。Cumulative principle and cumulative principle or absorption principle should be adopted in the above two situations respectively.

减轻处罚包括刑种和刑期的减轻,减轻处罚的对象应当涵括附加刑,但应依法适用。However, mitigation of punishment can only be made below the statutory minimum sentencing range, and should not mitigate willfully.

减轻处罚包括刑种和刑期的减轻,减轻处罚的对象应当涵括附加刑,但应依法适用。In the authors opinion, mitigation of punishment should be limited, which includes the kinds of punishment and the term of penalty.

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如果数罪中有判处附加刑的,附加刑仍须执行。If among the crimes there is any for which a supplementary punishment is imposed, the supplementary punishment shall still be executed.

复权制度是刑罚消灭制度的一部分,是一种消除附加刑和其他有罪判决后果的措施。Rehabilitation is a part of Punishment Annihilation System, is a measure which eliminate additional punishment and other guilty verdict.

被宣告缓刑的犯罪分子,如果被判处附加刑,附加刑仍须执行。If a supplementary punishment is imposed on a criminal whose sentence is suspended, the supplementary punishment shall still be executed.

附加刑之间的并罚又可分为同种附加刑的并罚和异种附加刑之间的并罚。The concurrent punishment between supplementary punishment includes concurrent punishment between the same kinds and the different kinds.

增设社区服务附加刑,用以解决罚金刑客观缴纳不能的问题。Third, the addition community service accessory punishment, with solves the fine punishment objective payment not to be able the question.

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没收财产刑是我国最为严厉的附加刑,现行刑法对之作了大量的规定。The penalty of confiscating property is one of the strictest additional penalties and therefore, is substantially stipulated in the Criminal Law.

被宣告缓刑的犯罪分子,如果被判处附加刑,附加刑仍须执行。If a supplementary punishment has been imposed on a criminal whose sentence has been suspended, the supplementary punishment must still be executed.

广义的减刑还包括对死刑犯的减刑、主刑变更时的附加刑的减刑以及特赦减刑。Generalized commutation of the sentence also includes death penalty commutation additional penalty commutation due to principal penalty change, as well as amnesty.

可从明确行为模式、规范法律用语、提高刑罚幅度、增设附加刑等方面对巨额财产来源不明罪进行完善。As for perfecting the crime, work should be done in making clear the mode of behavior, defining the law term, enhancing the breadth of penalty and adding additional penalty.

没收财产刑是我国刑法附加刑中最严厉的财产刑,同时也是争论较大的刑罚方法。Criminal forfeiture of property is the most severe additional property penalties among the accessory punishment in criminal law, but also the most contentious penalty method.

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籍没法是元代刑法中的一种附加刑,是指没收犯者的全部或部分资产甚至包括犯者的妻孥和奴婢以充公。Confiscation, which means forcing all or part of the criminal's possession to public, even including his wife, children and slaves, was an additive criminal law in Yuan Dynasty.

由没收财产刑的体系地位与适用对象可以看出,没收财产刑是我国刑罚体系中最重的附加刑。Confiscating property is a most heavy criminal attached punishment in the criminal law of our country in terms of its position in the criminal legal system and applicable objects.

附加刑又称从刑,是在刑罚体系中居于从属地位、补充主刑、独立或附加主刑适用的刑罚方法。Accessory penalty, also called subordinate penalty, is an applied penal method subordinate to, supplementary to, independent of or attached to the principal penalty in the penal system.