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水从深深的地下水库中被抽了出来。The oil is pumped up from deep underground reservoirs.

现在普遍使用计算机管理地下水库。Computers are in widespread use now to help manage underground water reservoir.

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第八部分对地下水库环境影响进行了评价。In the eighth part, the underground reservoir's environmental impact is discussed.

修建地下水库能够产生良好的社会效益和经济效益。Builing underground reservoir in this area can produce good social and economic effects.

八五○农场平原可视为具有较好的水文地质条件的地下水库。Farm plain area can be considered as an ground reservoir which has better hydrology conditions.

大沽河地下水库是青岛市重要供水水源地,其水质好坏直接影响着人们的身体健康。Dagu River groundwater reservoir is one of the most important water supply resources in Qingdao.

科学家称,众所周知的干旱大陆非洲实际上坐落在一片广阔的地下水库之上。Scientists say the notoriously dry continent of Africa is sitting on a vast reservoir of groundwater.

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海河流域太行山前地带含水层具有巨大的储水空间和良好的调节能力,是一巨大的潜在地下水库。The aquifer of Taihang piedmont area has a huge water storage capacity and good regulation capability.

指出地下水库环境保护是亟待引起重视的问题。The paper finally points out that protection of groundwater reservoir environment needs special attention.

合理建设和管理地下水库是我国北方缺水地区增加水资源可利用量的有效途径。Construction and management of ground water reservoir is an effective way of increasing available water resources.

这些地下水库的蒸汽和热水可以被开发用来发电或直接为大楼调节冷暖。These underground reservoirs of steam and hot water can be tapped to generate electricity or to heat and cool buildings directly.

为了迎合当地优美的环境,选用了当地赤心橡树栽在校牌的两边。楼顶的排水系统和地下水库为中学部提供了洁厕用水。A water collection system on the roof and storage unit underground provides recycled water for the toilets in the secondary school.

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得出在华北平原启用地下水库及修建人工漏水水库、生态河等必要的配套设施,具有一定的生态价值。It is concluded that exploiting the groundwater reservoir, man-making water reservoir and zoological river have much zoological merit.

随着南水北调中线工程的实施,该地区成为名副其实的“地下水库”。With the implementation of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project, the groundwater in the area really becomes the "Underground Reservoir".

本文介绍了地下水库的基本概念,提出了地下水库的储水介质分类法。The concept of groundwater reservoir was introduced and the water-storing medium classification method for groundwater reservoirs was proposed.

开发建设地下水库是一项工程量小,环境影响小,投资少,效益大的开源节流工程。To establish a ground water reservoir is a project with small scale engineering, lesser environmental impact, lesser investment and great benefit.

最后结合山东王河地下水库设计实例说明了松散介质地下水库的基本内容。Principle content of loose medium groundwater reservoir are introduced through a design example of Shandong Wanghe groundwater reservoir in the and.

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因地制宜修建地下水库作为一项“绿色生态工程”是解决水资源稀缺问题的战略选择。Building underground reservoir when the circumstances permit to do as a "green ecological engineering", which is a stratagem to solve water scarcity.

在南极,一个偏远的美国宇航局研究实验室冰冻荒原之上在于深两英里厚的冰川,面积广阔的地下水库。Deep in the frozen wasteland of Antarctica, a remote NASA research lab rests atop a two-mile thick glacier, covering a vast underground water reservoir.

山区地表水流经该段入渗,加之南部中山区的侧向补给形成山间洼地地下水库。Leaking surface water and the lateral inflow from south middle mountains was the main sources for groundwater reservoir in the intermountain depression.