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一小我酒吧买醉!One bar drink!

我时常一小我私家生闷气。I often be in the sulks.

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你筹办一小我私人住在这搭吗?Bre you gonna live here alone?

咱们中有三小我私人来自首都。Three of us come from Beijing.

每小我既是主人,又是家丁。Everyone is a master and a servant.

他租了一辆车并请了小我私人开车。He hired a car and a man to drive it.

这二者都是小我的显示。These are both manifestations of ego.

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现在,挪开,你一小我私家把床全占了。Now, move over, you're hogging the bed.

你们能不克不及派小我上来收洗衣?Can you help me wash the clothes now? 2.

就小我私人而言,我站在。的一边儿。Personally, I am standing on the side of.

留着一个号码,不外是为了等待—小我私人。Keep a number, but to wait for the person.

不应该睇小我哋羊羊。You shouldn't look down on us, cute sheep.

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如果你有任何情绪,都是小我在驱动。If you have any emotion, it is ego motivated.

我一小我私家走在冰冷的大街,那样的无助。I a person walks in the icy seet, so helpless.

我们每小我皆是我们记忆的积累。Each of us is the accumulation of our memories.

噢,负疚,本人把你当成别的一小我了。Oops. Sorry. I was thinking about someone else!

有时为了团队你必需得亡故小我。Sometimes you've got to take one for the teare.

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当上帝说去做的时候,我的“小我”却总是生气。The little "I am" always sulks when God says do.

拖延是小我的战术,因为时间是属于它领域内的概念。Delay is of the ego, because time is its concept.

泪眼昏黄时,也只有莪一小我私人而已。Wet eye dim moonlight, also only I a person only.